Top Web Developer Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Web Developer interview by going through these most asked Web Developer interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

Interview Practice

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  • Question: How do you ensure continuity and longevity in web development processes after handing over to your clients?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to take ownership of their work and ensure that the site is running smoothly. This question will help you determine if a candidate is aware of the importance of documentation and how they plan to support the team after handing over to the client.

    Sample Answer: I always make sure that I have a thorough understanding of the project goals, as well as what the client expects from the final product. I then create a detailed outline of how I will achieve these goals, including a timeline and a list of tasks that need to be completed. I also create a detailed documentation of all assets used, including images and code. This ensures that if I am not available, another web developer can easily pick up where I left off.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - How they plan to support the client
    • - How they plan to support the team
    • - How they plan to maintain documentation

  • Question: What would you do if you were given the task of redeveloping an existing website?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to take an existing website and redesign it to meet the needs of the business. This question will help you understand how a candidate plans to approach a redesign and what they will do to ensure the site is user-friendly.

    Sample Answer: I would first analyze the existing site’s traffic and determine if there are any issues with functionality or design. If there are, I would redesign the site to fix those issues and make it more user-friendly. I would also ensure that the site is optimized for mobile devices, as mobile traffic has increased by over 50% in the last year.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - What they will do
    • - How they will approach the task
    • - What they will do to ensure the site is user-friendly

  • Question: What frameworks have you worked with?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should have a working knowledge of the most popular frameworks and how they can be used to create a website. This question will help you determine if a candidate has the experience and knowledge to successfully complete your project.

    Sample Answer: I have worked with Ruby on Rails, Django and Laravel. I enjoy using Ruby on Rails because it is an open source framework that is used to create websites and web applications. It is easy to learn and use, and I find it to be very efficient. I have also used Django, which is a Python-based framework that is used for developing websites. It is also open source and very easy to use. Finally, I have used Laravel, which is a PHP-based framework that is used for developing web applications. It is also open source and very easy to use.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specific frameworks
    • - How they use them
    • - What they like/dislike

  • Question: Why do you want to work for us?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you understand if a candidate is genuinely interested in the company and the position.

    Sample Answer: I’m very interested in the work you do at ABC Company. I’ve been following your blog for the past year and have been impressed with your recent posts on web development trends. I’m also very interested in the company culture and how you support your employees.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passion
    • - Interest
    • - Knowledge of company

  • Question: How would you design a Javascript class and send the data over the server?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to design and implement a Javascript class that can be sent to the server to be processed. This question will help you determine if a candidate has the ability to design and develop a Javascript class that can be sent to the server.

    Sample Answer: I would first create a Javascript class that includes all of the necessary functions, variables and methods. Next, I would send the data over the server using AJAX. Finally, I would process the data on the server using PHP.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - How they plan to design and implement
    • - How they plan to send data over the server
    • - How they plan to process the data

  • Question: How will you close a toggle menu when click on rest of the page?
  • Question Overview: This question tests a candidate’s ability to think outside the box and solve problems. It also shows how they will approach a problem and how they will communicate their solution.

    Sample Answer: When a user clicks on the toggle menu, I would close the menu and then reopen it when the user clicks on the rest of the page. This ensures that the menu is always visible and accessible.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Communication skills
    • - Ability to explain a solution

  • Question: What are the three things you look for when considering working for a company?
  • Question Overview: This question will give you insight into a candidate’s priorities and what they value most in a company.

    Sample Answer: I look for a company that values its employees, offers opportunities for growth and is committed to the success of its customers. I also want to work for a company that is transparent in its business practices and has a positive work environment.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Priorities
    • - Values
    • - What they look for

  • Question: Why do you want to leave your current job?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you determine if a candidate is looking for a new job because they are unhappy or if they are looking for a new challenge.

    Sample Answer: I’ve been working as a web developer for the past three years and I’m ready to take on more responsibility and challenge myself. I’m excited to work with a team that shares my passion for web development and to learn from a leader who has been in the industry for over 20 years.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Motivation
    • - Reasons for leaving

  • Question: What is your skill level with Flash?
  • Question Overview: Flash is a dying technology, but it is still used in some industries. Knowing how a candidate feels about Flash will help you determine if they are the right fit for your team.

    Sample Answer: I have a basic understanding of Flash, but I’m not a fan of it. I prefer to use HTML5 and CSS3 because they are more accessible and responsive.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - General knowledge
    • - How they feel about Flash
    • - Specifics on their skill level

  • Question: How will you implement a UI according to the design?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to follow a design and implement it in a way that is functional and visually appealing. This question will help you determine if a candidate is able to follow instructions and work with others.

    Sample Answer: I’m a strong communicator and I’m able to work well with others. I’m also detail-oriented and I pay close attention to the design specifications. I’ll review the design with the designer and ask questions if I don’t understand something. Once we agree on the design, I’ll implement it according to the specs.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to follow instructions
    • - Collaboration
    • - Communication skills

  • Question: How will you extract the Request ID# from the sample text?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you determine if a candidate has the technical knowledge to write code. It will also reveal if they have a working knowledge of the programming language they are using.

    Sample Answer: The Request ID# is located in the query string. I will use the following code to extract it:

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Technical knowledge
    • - Ability to write code
    • - Understanding of language

  • Question: How do you solve a problem?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you understand how a candidate approaches a problem and how they will solve issues that arise.

    Sample Answer: I start by gathering all the information I can about the issue, including the steps to reproduce it. I then analyze the problem and develop a solution. I prioritize my time by focusing on the most important issues first, and then work on the rest. I communicate with my team members to ensure everyone is on the same page.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving methods
    • - How they prioritize
    • - How they communicate

  • Question: How do you organize your day to day work?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be organized and have a plan for their day to day work. This question will help you determine if a candidate is organized and how they plan to manage their time.

    Sample Answer: I start my day by checking my email and prioritizing my tasks for the day. I then check my calendar and schedule meetings with team members. I like to work in short bursts of energy, so I take frequent breaks throughout the day to recharge.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - How they plan their day
    • - How they prioritize tasks
    • - How they stay on track

  • Question: How will you address cached out-dated assets?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should always be aware of the latest trends and technologies. This question will help you determine if a candidate is aware of the importance of staying up to date on the latest trends and technologies.

    Sample Answer: I subscribe to blogs, newsletters and social media feeds that provide me with the latest information on web development. I also attend conferences and workshops to learn about emerging trends and technologies. I also rely on my peers and colleagues for recommendations on what to read or watch.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - General awareness
    • - Specifics on how they stay up to date
    • - How they plan to stay up to date

  • Question: What would your previous boss say about you?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you determine if a candidate is a good fit for your team. A web developer should be able to work well with others and have a positive attitude.

    Sample Answer: My previous boss would say that I’m a hard worker who is always willing to take on more tasks and complete them in a timely manner. I’m also very detail-oriented and am able to work well under pressure.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Positive traits
    • - How they contribute to the team
    • - How they handle conflict

  • Question: How will you find the relationship between two tables?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to find the relationship between two tables, and this question will let you know if a candidate has the skills to do so.

    Sample Answer: I would first use the SELECT command to retrieve the data from both tables. I would then use the JOIN command to combine the data and display it in a table format. The JOIN command is used to combine data from two or more tables based on a common field.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of SQL
    • - Ability to explain how they would find the relationship
    • - How they would explain it to someone else

  • Question: What is your dream work environment?
  • Question Overview: A candidate’s response to this question will help you determine if they are a good fit for your company.

    Sample Answer: I want to work in a place where I can be creative and innovative, but also have the freedom to take ownership of my work and be challenged. I want to be surrounded by people who are passionate about what they do and who are willing to help each other.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - What they value in a work environment
    • - What they dislike
    • - What they want to change

  • Question: What do you think is important to remember when designing a website?
  • Question Overview: A web developer should be able to identify the key elements that make a website successful. This question will reveal if a candidate has a strong understanding of the user experience and how they can create a site that is easy to navigate and visually appealing.

    Sample Answer: A web developer should always keep the user in mind when designing a site. I always start with the end goal in mind, and consider what the user wants to achieve. I also take into account the target audience and how they will use the site, as well as the overall purpose of the site. I also consider how the site will be used on different devices and browsers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - General website design knowledge
    • - Specifics on how they prioritize elements
    • - How they ensure a site is user-friendly

  • Question: What is one thing that interests you the most about web development and why?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you find out what motivates a candidate to pursue web development.

    Sample Answer: I’m most interested in the ability a web developer has to be imaginative, artistic and technical, while developing a product that benefits and inspires others.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passion
    • - Motivation
    • - Enthusiasm

  • Question: What do you like about programming?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you determine if a candidate is passionate about web development and what they enjoy about the profession.

    Sample Answer: I love the creativity and problem-solving skills required to develop a website. I also enjoy the challenge of learning new programming languages and techniques.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passion
    • - Motivation
    • - Enthusiasm