Top Technical Support Specialist Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Technical Support Specialist interview by going through these most asked Technical Support Specialist interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

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Search Technical Support Specialist Questions:

  • Question: What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
  • Question Overview: This is a basic networking question that is often asked to gauge an applicant's knowledge of networking. An applicant should have a basic understanding of the difference between the two protocols, and they should be able to explain the difference in layman's terms.

    Sample Answer: TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that ensures packets are delivered in sequence. UDP is a connectionless protocol that does not guarantee packet delivery.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to explain the difference in layman's terms
    • - Knowledge of the protocols
    • - Ability to explain the difference between the two protocols

  • Question: How will you explain a financial statement to a 7-year old kid?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to assess how well an applicant can communicate with people who have no technical background. This is important because a technical support specialist often has to explain technical issues to non-technical people.

    Sample Answer: I would explain that money comes from a company and it is used to pay for things like food, rent and other things. I would also explain that money is not free and that it has to be earned.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to simplify the message
    • - Ability to listen to the person's needs
    • - Ability to ask questions and clarify

  • Question: Why did you leave your last job?
  • Question Overview: This question is important because it gives you insight into the applicant's work history. If they left a job quickly, it could indicate that they are not a good fit for your organization. However, if they left a job because of a promotion or transfer, this could indicate that they are motivated and have a strong work ethic.

    Sample Answer: I left my last job because I was promoted to a position with more responsibility.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to stay calm and explain the situation
    • - Ability to explain the situation in a professional manner

  • Question: If we interview applicants that are more qualified, why should I hire you?
  • Question Overview: This question is a great way to see how candidates handle pressure. It also gives them an opportunity to sell themselves. This is a great way to see how they handle rejection and what they do to overcome it.

    Sample Answer: I am the best candidate for this position because I am a quick learner and I have the ability to adapt to new technologies. I would be able to learn your company's procedures quickly and provide the best service possible.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to think on their feet
    • - Ability to sell themselves
    • - Confidence in their abilities

  • Question: How will you move a mountain from point A to point B?
  • Question Overview: This is a question that can be asked of any position. The answer to this question is not as important as the thought process behind it. An applicant should be able to explain how they would approach a problem and what they would do to solve it. This is an opportunity for an applicant to show their ability to think critically and creatively.

    Sample Answer: I would first assess the situation and determine if I could move the mountain or if I needed help. If I could move it myself, I would use a variety of tools and equipment to move it. If I needed help, I would ask for assistance from others.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to think critically and creatively
    • - Ability to explain the thought process
    • - Ability to prioritize

  • Question: How would you help someone build a network for a small business?
  • Question Overview: This question assesses an applicant's ability to listen, understand and communicate. It also assesses an applicant's ability to think on their feet. You want to ensure that an applicant can think critically and has the ability to explain technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

    Sample Answer: I would first ask what the business does. Then I would ask about their internet needs. I would then recommend a network that is best suited for their needs.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to listen and understand
    • - Ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand
    • - Ability to think critically and on their feet

  • Question: What is WSDL?
  • Question Overview: This is a basic question that will test the applicant's knowledge of web services.

    Sample Answer: Web services description language (WSDL) is an XML-based language for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to explain the concept
    • - Ability to explain the concept in layman's terms

  • Question: How would you handle a difficult customer?
  • Question Overview: A difficult customer is a challenge for anyone. An applicant should be able to demonstrate the ability to remain calm and professional. If an applicant cannot remain calm, they will not be able to provide the best service to customers.

    Sample Answer: I would listen to the customer and try to understand their issue. I would then explain the issue in layman's terms and offer a solution.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to remain calm
    • - Ability to listen and empathize
    • - Ability to explain technical issues in layman's terms

  • Question: What do you think is more important, Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how candidates think on their feet. It is important to understand how candidates approach problems and how they think. This question should be used to see if they are a team player and if they understand the importance of each department.

    Sample Answer: Accounts Receivable is more important because it is the first step in collecting money owed to the company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to prioritize
    • - Ability to see the big picture
    • - Ability to work in a team

  • Question: How do you handle stressful situations?
  • Question Overview: A technical support specialist should be able to handle stressful situations with a cool head. This is important because the job requires the ability to multitask and prioritize. You want to ensure that an applicant can handle a variety of situations, including those that are unexpected.

    Sample Answer: I take a deep breath and think about the best way to handle the situation. I then prioritize my tasks and work through them one at a time.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to stay calm
    • - Ability to prioritize and multitask

  • Question: Why are you leaving your current company?
  • Question Overview: This question is important because you want to ensure that an applicant is not leaving a company due to a personality conflict or because they are not performing well. You want to ensure that they are leaving for a positive reason.

    Sample Answer: I am leaving my current company because I am looking for a new challenge. I have been with the company for three years and have learned all that I can from the current position.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Positive reasons for leaving
    • - Ability to articulate the reason

  • Question: How do you relieve stress?
  • Question Overview: Technical support specialists often deal with stressful situations. An applicant should be able to articulate how they deal with stress and how they relieve it. This question allows you to see how candidates handle pressure and whether they have a healthy outlet for stress.

    Sample Answer: I like to go for a run or play basketball. This helps me clear my head and think about the situation in a different way.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to stay calm
    • - Ability to prioritize
    • - Ability to multitask

  • Question: How do you show compassion for yourself?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how candidates deal with stress and pressure. It is important to know how they handle pressure and how they maintain a positive attitude.

    Sample Answer: I take a break when I need one. I also try to get enough sleep and exercise.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to remain calm
    • - Ability to prioritize
    • - Ability to adapt to change

  • Question: What would you do if a customer calls reporting their VoIP phone is not working?
  • Question Overview: VoIP is a type of technology that allows users to make phone calls over the Internet. VoIP is often used for business purposes, but it can also be used for personal use. VoIP is a relatively new technology, and many people do not understand how it works. This question is designed to see how an applicant would handle a situation where the customer does not understand the technology.

    Sample Answer: I would gather as much information as possible about the problem. I would want to know if the customer has tried restarting their computer or unplugging their VoIP phone. I would also want to know if they have any other VoIP phones on their network.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to explain the technology in layman's terms
    • - Ability to stay calm and listen
    • - Ability to prioritize issues

  • Question: What award do you see yourself winning in the next 10 years?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how candidates think about their future. It is important to understand how they view their career path and how they will grow with your organization.

    Sample Answer: I would like to be recognized for my contributions to the company. I would like to be a technical support specialist who is known for her ability to help others and her ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that is easy for others to understand.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to see the big picture
    • - Desire to help others
    • - Desire to be recognized for their work

  • Question: How do you recognize a painting that is owned by a known artist in your books?
  • Question Overview: This question is asked to assess the candidate's ability to recognize patterns and details. It is a common interview question for a technical support specialist. The candidate should be able to recognize the painting, but also be able to explain how they recognized it.

    Sample Answer: I would look at the painting's background and compare it to other paintings by the same artist. I would also look at the brush strokes and colors used.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Attention to detail
    • - Ability to recognize patterns
    • - Ability to explain how they recognized it

  • Question: What have you learned from your past experience that will help you in this position?
  • Question Overview: This question is important because it gives you insight into how candidates think. You want to ensure that they have learned from their past experience and that they can apply those lessons to your organization. You also want to ensure that they have a growth mindset and are willing to learn new skills.

    Sample Answer: I learned that I need to be more organized and efficient. I also learned that I need to be more patient with customers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to learn from past experience
    • - Ability to adapt to new situations
    • - Desire to grow and develop

  • Question: What are the 3 things that will make you stay in a company?
  • Question Overview: This question is important because it allows you to understand an applicant's priorities. It is also important to understand what an applicant expects from a company. This question allows you to see if the applicant is looking for a short-term or long-term position.

    Sample Answer: I want to be challenged and grow as a professional. I want to work with a team that is dedicated to helping each other succeed.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to stay focused on the job
    • - Desire to learn and grow
    • - Desire to work with a team