Top Store Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Store Manager interview by going through these most asked Store Manager interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

Search Store Manager Questions:

  • Question: What makes you think that you are qualified for this position?
  • Question Overview: This question gives the candidate the opportunity to sell themselves to you. You can learn if they have the skills and experience needed to succeed in the position. This question also helps you see if they are qualified for the job, and it lets you know if they are confident enough to handle the responsibilities of a store manager.

    Sample Answer: I have several years of experience in retail management, and I'm confident that my skills will help me succeed in this position.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Strong communication skills
    • - Knowledge of the industry
    • - Experience with similar positions

  • Question: How do you prioritize your daily schedule?
  • Question Overview: This interview question helps you see how well the candidate manages their time. It also tells you how organized they are and how well they can prioritize their tasks. This question is useful because it helps you see if the manager would be able to handle the demands of a busy schedule.

    Sample Answer: I like to start my day by checking emails and making sure I have everything I need for the day. Then, I schedule my tasks and work on them one by one.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Prioritizes tasks based on importance
    • - Lists out daily schedule
    • - Shows a willingness to work hard

  • Question: How would you create an inspiring moment?
  • Question Overview: This interview question gives the candidate the chance to show you how they would motivate your employees. You can learn if they have a good understanding of how to inspire others. Their answer can also tell you if they have a good understanding of the importance of employee morale and motivation.

    Sample Answer: I'd create an inspiring moment by giving a speech about how we can all work together to make the store better.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passionate about inspiring others
    • - Creates an inspirational moment
    • - Shows a desire to improve employee morale

  • Question: What are your reasons for wanting to be promoted?
  • Question Overview: This interview question gives you a chance to see if the applicant has a realistic view of what it takes to be a store manager. You can also learn if they are motivated by money, or if they have other reasons for wanting the promotion. Their answer can help you decide if they are likely to stay with the company for a long time.

    Sample Answer: I love working with customers and employees, and I want to be able to help more people. I also want to be able to make more money.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passion for the job
    • - Desire to help others
    • - Willingness to work hard

  • Question: How do you manage your team?
  • Question Overview: This interview question gives you the chance to see how the applicant manages people. You can learn if they are a good leader and if they would be a good fit for your company culture. You can also see if they have the skills needed to manage a team of employees.

    Sample Answer: I like to give my employees a lot of freedom and make sure they know I'm there for them if they need help. I also like to make sure they know what's expected of them and that I'm available to help them meet those expectations.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Strong leadership skills
    • - Ability to listen to employees
    • - Creativity in motivating workers

  • Question: What is your biggest weakness?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic interview question that helps you see how the candidate would respond to a difficult question. You can learn if they are honest and humble or if they try to make themselves look better than they really are. Their answer also gives you an idea of what they consider to be their biggest weakness.

    Sample Answer: I'm a perfectionist, so I can sometimes be too hard on myself and others.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Honest and humble
    • - Honest but doesn't admit to any weaknesses
    • - Doesn't answer the question

  • Question: Tell me what you do at your current job?
  • Question Overview: This question helps you learn more about the candidate's current job and how they handle it. You can see if they are a good fit for your store by seeing how they handle their current job. This question also helps you see if the candidate has the experience needed to do the job.

    Sample Answer: I'm currently a store manager at a large retail chain. I handle all aspects of running the store, from hiring and training employees to ordering merchandise and handling customer complaints.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed description of their current job
    • - Knowledge of their role in the company
    • - Demonstrates a desire to do well in their current job

  • Question: How would you adjust to dealing with less volume than your used to?
  • Question Overview: This interview question helps you see how well the applicant would handle a sudden drop in sales. It also shows you how flexible they are. You can learn if they would try to find ways to increase sales or if they would focus on cutting costs. This question also lets you know if the manager would be able to make do with fewer employees.

    Sample Answer: I'd focus on cutting costs by reducing hours and laying off employees if needed. I'd also try to find new ways to increase sales and bring in new customers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to cut costs
    • - Creativity in finding ways to increase sales
    • - Ability to work with fewer employees

  • Question: How do you hold your team accountable?
  • Question Overview: This question helps you learn how the candidate would handle employee discipline. You can see if they would fire an innocent employee to satisfy the customer or avoid disciplining a misbehaving employee just because the customer was annoying.

    Sample Answer: I like to make sure everyone is following company policies and procedures. If someone isn't doing their job correctly, I'll talk to them about it and give them another chance. If they don't improve, I'll have to let them go.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Prioritizes customer care first
    • - Demonstrates a desire to discover truth behind an issue
    • - Shows a willingness to properly discipline employees if they were wrong

  • Question: How do you organize your day?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see if the candidate is organized and efficient. You can learn if they have a system for managing their time and tasks. This question also gives you a chance to see if they have a good work ethic.

    Sample Answer: I like to start my day by checking email and making sure I have everything I need for the day. Then, I like to get in a little exercise before starting my work.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Well-organized schedule
    • - Prioritizes tasks and time
    • - Shows a willingness to work hard

  • Question: What is your current salary?
  • Question Overview: This is a straightforward question that helps you learn about the candidate's salary expectations. It also lets you see if they are willing to negotiate their salary.

    Sample Answer: I'm currently making $30,000 a year.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to negotiate
    • - Confidence in their current salary

  • Question: How would you improve an underperforming location?
  • Question Overview: This question lets you see how the candidate would handle a situation that's not ideal. You can learn if they would focus on improving the store's performance or if they would just close the location. This question is also useful because it lets you see how well the manager would comply with company policies about store closures. Asking this interview question ensures the manager's actions wouldn't cause problems in the store.

    Sample Answer: I'd try to improve sales by focusing on customer service and employee relations. If that didn't work, I'd close the store and try to relocate it to a better location.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to do whatever it takes to improve performance
    • - Desire to accommodate company policies
    • - Focus on protecting others from a harasser

  • Question: Why do you want to work for us?
  • Question Overview: This interview question is a great way to learn about the candidate's interest in your company. Their answer can tell you if they are willing to take the time to learn more about your company and its products. It also gives you a chance to see if they are willing to work hard for your company.

    Sample Answer: I've always been a big fan of your products. I'm really interested in working for a company that makes such high-quality products.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Passion for the company's products
    • - Interest in learning more about the company
    • - Willingness to work hard for the company

  • Question: What are the most important values in your life?
  • Question Overview: This interview question gives you the chance to see how the candidate's personal values align with your company's values. It also lets you know if they have the right personality for the job. You can learn if they are honest, hard-working and loyal, which are all important traits in a store manager.

    Sample Answer: I value honesty and hard work above all else. I also believe in loyalty to my company and its employees.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Values that align with your company's values
    • - Honest and hard-working
    • - Loyal to the company and its employees

  • Question: What will your first month look like if you're hired?
  • Question Overview: This question gives you a chance to see how well the candidate plans for the future. You can learn if they have a detailed plan for their first month on the job. This question also helps you see if they have a realistic idea of what it takes to run a store.

    Sample Answer: I'd spend my first week getting to know the staff and customers, and then I'd spend the rest of the month training new employees and working on improving sales.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A detailed plan for their first month
    • - A realistic idea of what it takes to run a store
    • - A willingness to learn from mistakes

  • Question: How would you coach a manager who is underperforming?
  • Question Overview: This interview question helps you see how the candidate would handle a difficult situation. You can learn if they would be able to help the underperforming manager improve or if they would just fire them. This question also shows you how the candidate would handle a situation in which they were the one who was underperforming.

    Sample Answer: I'd try to find out what was causing the underperformance and then work with them to correct it. If they were unwilling to change, I'd let them go.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to help others improve
    • - Desire to avoid conflict
    • - Willingness to admit when they are wrong

  • Question: Why do you think you are a good fit for this role?
  • Question Overview: This question gives the candidate the chance to sell themselves to you. You can learn a lot about their confidence and enthusiasm for the job by seeing how they answer this question. Their answer also gives you a chance to see if they are qualified for the position.

    Sample Answer: I'm a great fit for this role because I have experience managing a store and I'm eager to learn more about your company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Strong communication skills
    • - Confidence in their abilities
    • - Passion for the job

  • Question: What makes you better than other candidates?
  • Question Overview: This interview question is a great way to see how confident the candidate is. It also gives you a chance to see if they have any negative self-perceptions that could be harmful to your store. This question can also help you see if they are realistic about their own abilities.

    Sample Answer: I'm a hard worker who is always looking for ways to improve my skills. I'm also very friendly and easy to get along with.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in their abilities
    • - Acknowledgement of their weaknesses

  • Question: Are you willing to work 6 days a week?
  • Question Overview: This question is a good way to see if the candidate is willing to work hard for the job. It also gives you an idea of how much they value the position. If they aren't willing to work hard, they probably won't be a good fit for your store.

    Sample Answer: I'm willing to work 6 days a week if needed, but I'd prefer to work 5 days a week.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to work hard
    • - Desire to prove their worth

  • Question: How old are you?
  • Question Overview: This interview question is a great way to see if the candidate is too young or too old for the job. You can also use this question to see if they are too inexperienced or too experienced for the job. If they are too young, they may not have enough experience. If they are too old, they may be set in their ways and not willing to learn new things.

    Sample Answer: I'm 21 years old.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Age that is appropriate for the job