Top Assistant Store Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Assistant Store Manager interview by going through these most asked Assistant Store Manager interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

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  • Question: If you had a specialist who was under performing how would you address the situation?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager must be able to effectively manage all types of employees, from specialists to generalists. This question tests the candidate's ability to handle a situation with a specialist who is underperforming. The candidate should be able to assess the situation, determine the cause and implement a solution.

    Sample Answer: I'd first try to determine the cause of the underperformance and then address it. If it was a lack of training, I'd provide it. If it was a lack of motivation, I'd find out why and address that too.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to assess the situation
    • - Ability to determine the cause
    • - Ability to implement a solution

  • Question: How do you manage stress?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager is a high-stress position that can involve long hours and multiple sudden dilemmas. A candidate should be healthy and strong enough to safely endure this. He or she should also know how to delegate tasks to avoid taking on unnecessary stress and adequately attend to his or her own self-care, like taking breaks, to prevent bad decision-making and burnout.

    Sample Answer: I'm in excellent health because I know how to take care of myself while taking care of my responsibilities. I thrive in active environments, viewing problems as challenges.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Healthy and strong physical constitution
    • - Mental and emotional patience
    • - endurance and flexibility
    • - Reasonable and appropriate boundarie

  • Question: How do you handle pressure?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager must be able to handle pressure well. He or she should be able to remain calm and focused under pressure and not make rash decisions.

    Sample Answer: I've been in stressful situations before and I know how to remain calm and focused. I've also learned that it's important to delegate tasks to others when the pressure is on.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Calmness under pressure
    • - Ability to remain focused and make rational decisions
    • - Ability to delegate tasks to others

  • Question: How would you deal with gossip or drama in the workplace?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager must be able to effectively manage a team of employees. He or she must be able to identify and address problems, like drama or gossip, and prevent them from spreading.

    Sample Answer: I'd talk with the employees involved and find out what's going on. If it's just a misunderstanding, I'd try to clear it up. If it's something more serious, I'd talk with the employees involved and find out what's going on. If it's just a misunderstanding, I'd try to clear it up. If it's something more serious, I'd talk with the employees involved and find out what's going on. If it's just a misunderstanding, I'd try to clear it up. If it's something more serious, I'd talk with the employees involved and find out what's going on. If it's just a misunderstanding, I'd try to clear it up. If it's something more serious, I'd talk with the employees involved and find out what's going on.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to identify and address problems
    • - Ability to prevent problems from spreading
    • - Ability to maintain a professional and respectful workplace

  • Question: How long have you worked in the retail industry?
  • Question Overview: The retail industry is a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. A candidate should have at least a few years of experience in the industry to demonstrate an ability to adapt to change.

    Sample Answer: I've worked in retail for five years, and I've seen many changes in that time. For example, I've seen the rise of online shopping and the decline of brick-and-mortar stores.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Length of time in the industry
    • - Specific examples of adapting to change

  • Question: Tell me about your self.
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager is a people person, and this question tests the candidate's ability to communicate effectively about his or herself. The candidate should be able to clearly and concisely explain his or her strengths, weaknesses, goals and personality.

    Sample Answer: I'm a hard worker who's always willing to learn new things. I'm also very friendly and outgoing.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Self-awareness
    • - Self-confidence
    • - Willingness to be honest about strengths and weaknesses

  • Question: What do you expect from us?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager is a high-level employee who should expect to be treated as such. He or she should expect to be paid well, with a fair and transparent pay scale and benefits package. The candidate should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, with a clear understanding of his or her role and responsibilities.

    Sample Answer: I expect to be treated with respect and dignity, with a clear understanding of my role and responsibilities.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Respect for the employer
    • - Fair and transparent pay scale
    • - Benefits package
    • - Clear understanding of role and responsibilities

  • Question: Tell me about a time where you learned something new.
  • Question Overview: A candidate should be a lifelong learner, always seeking to improve his or her skills and knowledge. A candidate should be able to identify a time when he or she learned something new and explain how it happened.

    Sample Answer: I've always been interested in learning new things, so I've taken classes in everything from basic computer skills to advanced business management.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Self-awareness of a need for improvement
    • - Willingness to seek out new knowledge and skills
    • - Ability to identify a time when he or she learned something new

  • Question: Why did you leave your last company?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager should have a solid track record of employment, ideally with a growing company. A candidate should have left his or her last job for a good reason, like a promotion or a better opportunity. A candidate should not have left due to poor performance or conflict with management.

    Sample Answer: I left my last job because I was promoted to assistant store manager.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Positive track record of employment
    • - Solid reasons for leaving previous jobs
    • - No history of poor performance or conflict with management

  • Question: What can you offer to the company?
  • Question Overview: A candidate should be able to demonstrate his or her value to the company. This can be done by highlighting past achievements, like exceeding sales goals, or by describing how the candidate's skills and experience will benefit the company.

    Sample Answer: I've been a top salesperson for every employer I've worked for, and I've been recognized as a top performer in my industry. I've also been a manager for three years, and I've consistently received positive reviews.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Accomplishments and results
    • - Skills and experience that benefit the company

  • Question: What management experience do you have?
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager is a manager, and a candidate should have experience managing others. A candidate should be able to describe his or her management style and the results it produced.

    Sample Answer: I've managed three employees in two different departments at my last job. I've used both democratic and transformational leadership styles to achieve excellent results.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Management experience
    • - Management style description
    • - Results of management style

  • Question: What is your biggest weakness?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic interview question designed to identify candidates who are either too arrogant or too honest. The best approach is to admit a weakness that is not relevant to the job, like a poor sense of direction, and then explain how you've overcome it.

    Sample Answer: I'm not the best at directions. I've tried to improve by using GPS and asking for directions when lost.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Honesty
    • - Awareness of personal limitations
    • - Willingness to overcome them

  • Question: What will you do to increase sales/conversion/goals, etc?
  • Question Overview: A candidate should be able to clearly and confidently explain how he or she will increase sales, conversion or other goals. This answer should be based on the candidate's experience and knowledge of the business, its products and its customers.

    Sample Answer: I'd analyze sales data to determine what's selling well and what's not. I'd then implement a plan to improve the under-performing products.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of the business
    • - its products and its customers
    • - Proven ability to increase sales
    • - conversion or other goals

  • Question: How would your friends describe you?
  • Question Overview: The answer to this question is a great way to get a sense of a candidate's personality and work ethic. It's also a great way to learn about the candidate's personal life and interests.

    Sample Answer: My friends would say I'm a hard worker who always puts in 110%. I'm also very friendly and easy to get along with.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Honesty
    • - Thoughtfulness
    • - Humility
    • - Openness

  • Question: How have you ensured that your organization delivered a high level of customer service?
  • Question Overview: A candidate should be able to describe how he or she has ensured a high level of customer service. This may include ensuring that employees are well-trained and motivated, that the store is clean and well-organized, that the customer is greeted and helped quickly, and that the customer's needs are met.

    Sample Answer: I've ensured a high level of customer service by making sure my employees are well-trained and motivated. I've also made sure the store is clean and well-organized, that the customer is greeted and helped quickly, and that the customer's needs are met.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Strong interpersonal skills
    • - Ability to motivate others
    • - Ability to provide exceptional customer service

  • Question: If you could improve 1 thing about yourself, what would that be and why?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to reveal a candidate's self-awareness and self-improvement mindset. A good answer shows a desire to improve professionally and personally, and to do so in a healthy way.

    Sample Answer: I'd like to improve my ability to communicate with people who don't share my views. I've found that it's important to be able to understand and respect others' perspectives even when we disagree.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Self-awareness
    • - Self-improvement mindset
    • - Healthy approach to self-improvement

  • Question: What's the last article you read on health and wellness?
  • Question Overview: A healthy lifestyle is important for a healthy mind and body. A candidate should be aware of the latest health and wellness information and trends, including how to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

    Sample Answer: I read the latest research on how to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Awareness of the latest health and wellness information
    • - Healthy lifestyle habits
    • - Willingness to share knowledge with others

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to work with limited resources.
  • Question Overview: An assistant store manager must be able to work with limited resources and still accomplish the job. This question is designed to see how the candidate will handle a situation in which he or she has to do more with less.

    Sample Answer: I had to work with limited resources when I was promoted to assistant manager. I had to train new employees and manage the store while the manager was on vacation.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to work with limited resources
    • - Willingness to seek out and implement creative solutions
    • - Ability to prioritize tasks

  • Question: What are your computer skills?
  • Question Overview: A candidate should be comfortable using computers and have a basic understanding of common software programs, like email, word processing and spreadsheets.

    Sample Answer: I'm comfortable using computers and have a basic understanding of common software programs, like email, word processing and spreadsheets.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Basic computer literacy
    • - Familiarity with common software programs

  • Question: Where do you see yourself in this company?
  • Question Overview: A candidate should have a clear vision of his or her career path and how it relates to the company's vision. He or she should also be able to articulate that vision in a way that's relevant to the company's needs.

    Sample Answer: I see myself as a long-term member of this team, working my way up through the ranks.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Clear vision of career path
    • - Ability to communicate that vision in a way that's relevant to the company's needs
    • - Willingness to work towards that vision