How to write a flawless emt resume?

[Click here to directly go to the complete emt resume sample]

In this noble profession, there is little room for error.
It can cost someone their life and you, your job.

There is fierce competition in the professioal domain at present, even people with relevant experience are finding it hard to level up.

You save lives on a daily basis, we'll help you save your emt resume.

If you are someone who has a knack for this job, but unaware of the technicalities of putting it on paper, you've just scored a jackpot by landing here.

Here are some tips for curating a flawless emt resume-

You can start building your emt resume by following the below given guidelines:

Build your emt resume using a suitable resume format

Life as an emt makes you a detail-oriented person, and you try to reflect the same in your emt resume. Without a good format, it won't be possible.

A suitable resume format ensures that your emt resume gets parsed by the ATS.

In case you aren't familiar with ATS, let us break it down for you.
ATS is a software used by various organizations which help them in filtering the optimal resume.

Before reaching a human recruiter your emt resume needs to parse the ATS, without which you don't stand a chance of getting the dream job.

Reverse Chronological Resume Format

The best and the most ATS friendly format is the reverse chronological format.
It highlights your most recent achievement first and then goes on in that order.

It is recruiter friendly and makes it easier for the reader to understand your current designation(if any) in a more coherent way.

There are other format options available too, but their use depends on certain factors.

Functional Resume Format

The Functional resume format should be avoided unless you are seeking for a change in your professional work or you have to cover some career gaps in your emt resume.

Your skills are given a lot of attention while the trajectory of your career is secondary that makes it irrelevant to the targeted job profile.

It may have its advantages but since it lacks ATS-compliant nature you should avoid using it to build your emt resume.

Combination Resume Format

You can opt for the combination resume format which is a blend of both the reverse-chronological format and functional format.

Skills and work time-line are given due diligence and are equally highlighted in this kind of resume format.

Therefore, if you are not opting the reverse-chronological format then you can pick the combination resume format to write your emt resume.

People often make the mistake of using flashy fonts to make their resume stand out, it surely makes your emt resume stand out as it doesn't get parsed by the ATS and make it look unprofessional too.

Use professional fonts in your emt resume and optimize the use of the white space, as it helps the recruiter as the guiding hand while navigating through your emt resume.

A resume with cramped up information will lead you nowhere except to the pile of rejection.

EMT Resume Sample

To give you a broader idea of how your emt resume should look like, we have curated an emt resume sample just for you.

Robert Crowe
Emergency Medical Technician
Certified EMT with 4+ years of experience as a medical professional armed with a prolific track record of providing basic and intermediate life support procedures, performing non-invasive procedures, and rendering pre-hospital care. Possesses diverse experience in inserting IVs, intubating victims, administering drugs, and documenting medical records as and when required by the senior professionals. Adept at coordinating with the high-performing team of professionals to determine patient/victim conditions and take immediate medical action.
• Patient Care • Drug Monitoring • Basic Life Support • Documentation • Report Generation • Intubation & Infusion
• Emergency Vehicle Operation • EKG Reading • Ambulatory Care • Health Assessment • Medical Treatment Planning
• Surgical Practices • Team Management • Compliance
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-I)
City Health care Hospital
Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
    Established in the year 1987 and provides medical care to approx. 1.00.000 patients on a daily basis in its multiple branches across the nation
    Pre-hospital Care & Drug Administration
    • Responded to local accidents and emergencies to provide first response and pre-hospital care
    • Provided basic and intermediate life support procedures at the scene and en-route to hospitals
    • Played an instrumental role in Inserting IVs, intubated victims, and administered drugs, as required

    Medical Care & Report Generation
    • Performed non-invasive procedures and rendered assistance in providing essential medical care
    • Assisted the management in creating and documenting 20+ patient care reports daily
    Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B)
    Regional Medical Center
    Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
      Established in the year 1974 provides full accredited healthcare facility
      Patient Care & Emergency Therapy
      • Rendered timely patient service life support and ambulatory care to critically ill and injured patients
      • Consistently instituted best practices and appropriate emergency therapy needed to save lives
      • Monitored the cardiac conditions of patients and provided EKG readings
      • Aided in dispatching emergency assignments safely and effectively

      Team Leadership & Infusion Administration
      • Performed basic assessments to determine patient/victim condition and take immediate medical action
      • Played a key role in administering infusions, medications, and intubation
      • Facilitated a team environment within the dispatch center and demonstrated high standards of performance
      EMT-B Training Program (150+ Hours)
      Central Virginia Community College
      Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
        • CGPA: 3.8/4.0
        • Relevant coursework:
        • Respiratory management | Trauma scenarios | Cardiac emergencies | Patient assessment
        Bachelor’s degree in Safety
        University Of Virginia
        Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
          • CGPA: 3.5/4.0
          • Virginia Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) | Dec '15
          • Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS) | JUL'15
          • Basic Life Support (BLS) | Aug'14
          • Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) | July'14
          • Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC), Virginia | Jun'12
          • Active member at National Association of emergency medical technicians | Jun '18 - Present
          • Participated in NAEMT conference and spoke about HIPPA law | Dec'16
          • Volunteered at 5th street homeless shelter | (5+years)

          Organize your emt resume by including different sections

          Once you've decided upon the correct format for your emt resume, make sure of dividing your emt resume into distinct sections.

          Doing so will avoid overlapping of content and will give a defined form to your emt resume.

          Different sections in your emt resume make it easier for the reader to take in information and gives you the option and opportunity of making the most of each section to grab the recruiter's attention.

          There are a number of different resume sections that are mandatory to include in your emt resume, they are-

          • Header
          • Personal Information
          • Profile Title
          • Summary/Objective
          • Key Skills
          • Professional Experience
          • Education

          While the above-mentioned sections are necessary for the formulation of a decent resume, there are a few more sections that you can add to your emt resume to highlight your achievements and also boost your chances of getting recognized by the recruiter.

          They are-

          • Certifications (if any)
          • Awards & Recognition (if any)
          • Additional Information (if any)

          Optimize the header section of your emt resume

          The top-most section of your emt resume is the first thing that will pass the recruiter's gaze.

          It is pertinent to the curation of a resume that the top-most section of the resume should be devised with the utmost care, as it is also the section where people make the silliest mistakes.

          Header of the emt resume

          It is the top most section of the resume, as the name suggests.

          One of the most common mistakes is titling the resume as 'CV' or 'Resume'.
          This is a mistake that can be and should be avoided.

          Always title your emt resume as your name.

          For example,if your name is Elina Grisham, all you have to do is write Elina Grisham as the title with a font size in-between 16 and 20.

          If you have a middle name, just the initial of the same will do the trick.
          For example, your name is Elina Joseph Grisham, then the title of the resume should be-
          Elina J. Grisham

          Also Read: How to frame a perfect resume header?

          Personal information on emt resume

          Personal information on a resume should be handled with care.

          The first step to writing your personal information is proper research. Lack of research can get you in trouble.

          Go through the company's guidelines and emt resume description before giving out your personal information on the resume.

          In most of the cases, the companies forbid the candidates from mentioning their age, sex, and marital status to abate any sort of prejudice.

          The personal information section of the resume consists of your phone number, email address, and location.

          Contact number

          It is advisable to give out only one contact number on the resume for the recruiter to contact you.

          Make sure that the number you have given out works well because it has been seen that people miss out on opportunities because they were unreachable through their contact information.

          Having a decent voice mail works too, if you have a non professional voice mail then switch it to a professional one lest it affects your chances of getting selected on grounds of un-professionalism.

          Email Address

          An email address is as important as a contact number, as it is also a way for the recruiter to contact you.

          Small mistakes like creating or giving out a non professional email address can make a bad impression.

          Make sure that your email address is just your name, without any adjectives or slang words.

          For example, coolsammy@xyz will leave a bad impression, keep it simple and professional-

          Current location

          The location on your resume doesn't mean your complete address. Giving out your complete street address is not necessary as it is irrelevant to your emt resume.

          When you're applying for a job in your city or state then you just have to mention it in the city, state format.

          If you are applying for a job abroad, then you have to follow the city, country format.

          Also Read: How to add personal information on resume?

          Profile Title

          Profile title helps the recruiter in understanding your expertise and experience.

          A profile title should ideally emanate three things-

          • Your current designation.
          • Your functional industry.
          • Your seniority level.

          Make sure that your profile title is relevant to the job you're targeting for and in a way bolstering your professional experience.

          There are some tips/guidelines to help you in framing your profile title, they are-

          • Frame it as the second-largest text in your resume after the resume header
          • Use the ideal 14-16 font size to frame it.
          Hiration pro tip:
          Send your emt resume in the form of a PDF instead of a word document. It has been noticed that a word document often doesn't fit well on certain screens, while the same issue doesn't occur with PDF.

          Perfect the professional experience section of your emt resume

          The professional experience section of your resume is the section you have to capitalize on.

          This section is full of your achievements in the professional sphere and to make these achievements more eye-catching and impactful, we have curated a few stellar points for it-

          One Liner

          Imagine reading a paragraph for every single achievement, that will make your emt resume lengthy and incomprehensible.

          Using single line bullet points is more effective and makes your resume easier to read and comprehend.

          This method of listing your professional experience is the most advisable and accepted way of doing so.

          Power Verbs

          Make it a point of starting your bullet points with a power verb.

          Using and starting sentences with power verbs brings a positive change in your bullet points and make them more attractive explain your achievements in a desirable way.

          Achievement Figure

          Using quantifiable data is the step that will make your resume stand out.

          Using achievement figures in your bullet points to give an approx idea of your contribution in your past endeavors make the recruiter aware of your capabilities.

          Bucketing and Bolding

          Organization is the key to turning your emt resume into a show-stopper.
          Bucketing your points under separate headings is the best to organize your bullet points under any section, especially the professional experience section.

          Bold the words or achievement figures in the bullet points to highlight your achievements and grab the much-needed attention from the recruiter.

          Education Section in the emt resume

          Education is a man's best friend.

          It can be yours too if you know how to put your education on your emt resume.
          Education is a really important factor that decides your relevance and compatibility with the targeted job.

          Use the reverse chronological format while listing your degrees on the resume.

          Keep the below mentioned points in mind while formulating the education section of your resume-

          • Mention the name of your university first.
          • The dates of your admission and graduation on the right side in the month and year format.
          • Mention the location of your university along with a short one line description about it.
          • Mention the courses you have completed.

          Below is a snippet of an ideal education section for an emt resume.


          EMT resume skills

          The resume skills section is the best place to highlight and brag about yourself.

          The emt resume skills section holds a lot of power in deciding the fate of your emt resume.

          You can use a lot of keywords in emt skills resume section, to give your resume the necessary chance of getting parsed by the ATS.

          The emt job description for resume is equivalent to a gold mine. It is from this section that one needs to pick keywords to place in their resume.

          There are different types of skills-

          • Technical skills
          • Soft skills
          • Hard skills

          You must be wondering how to add all these skills, well a lot of it depends on the profile you're targeting.

          A technical profile makes it mandatory to add technical skills in the resume, while a non-technical profile doesn't require the same.

          However, if you have certain skills that aren't required but you think they will enhance your capabilities, then you should definitely add them to the list.

          We have curated different lists for your convenience, you can add these skills to your emt resume, but do so only if you have them-

          Soft skills

          • Compassion
          • Listening skills
          • Problem-solving skills
          • Communication skills
          • Situational awareness
          • Judgement
          • Communication
          • Dependability
          • Detail Oriented

          Hard skills

          • Incubation and Infusion
          • Emergency Medicine
          • Airway Management
          • Assessment
          • Patient Stabilization
          • Perceptiveness
          • Medical Terminology


          How to add certifications on your emt resume

          If you are an individual armed with relevant experiences and have certificates to prove so, then do not hesitate to add this section on your emt resume.

          However a lot of times people get confused about putting cpr certification to resume, well we have the solution for you.

          It is actually really simple, you do not have to put that you are cpr certified on resume, because that's a part of your licensing.

          If you want to know how to list certification on resume sample, then follow the guidelines mentioned below-

          • Add a different section titled certification or volunteer work.
          • List down your certificates.
          • Name of the certification course.
          • Name of the institute of affiliation.
          • Location of the institute of affiliation.
          • Dates of enrollment and course completion.

          If you want to know more about this particular section then you can check out the emt resume sample provided here to get the skills and certifications resume examples.


          Additional information

          In your professional field, being bilingual or multilingual will benefit you and will work wonders on your resume. Ensure that you mention the same in your emt resume if you are familiar with more than one language.

          Specify your level of fluency in the said language, state if it is an interactive language, or your native language.

          You can also mention any relevant hobbies or volunteer work that reflects your productive nature to gain extra credits from the hiring managers.

          You can place your additional information at the bottom section of your emt resume.

          If you just want to add relevany=t hobbies and language then you can just make use of the additional information section.

          If you have varied volunteering experiences then you can create a different section for it in your resume.

          Give an impeccable overview of your emt resume

          How are you going to do that?

          With your emt resume summary or emt resume objective.

          If we go by the structure of the resume, resume summary or emt resume objective comes under the header, then why are talking about it before other sections?

          Because the resume summary or emt resume objective should ideally be created after you are done with other sections. This process will help you in identifying your strengths and curate a precise summary or emt resume objective.

          There has been a lot of confusion around choosing between an emt resume summary and emt resume objective, let us break it down for you.

          Resume summary

          A resume summary is ideal for a person with a few years of experience, since it is a summary the candidate can summarize their work experience to convey their expertise and frame themselves as an ideal candidate for the targeted job.

          There are a few points that should be kept in mind while framing a resume summary-

          • Curate a resume summary only if you have 3-4 years of relevant work experience
          • The resume summary should not exceed 3-4 lines, if you are a working professional with 10+ years of experience then it can be more than that.
          • Mention how you optimized your skill-set for the betterment of your previous company.
          • Use cause-effect methodology to frame your summary sentences.
          • Start your resume summary by mentioning the number of experiences you have.
          • Using quantifiable data in the resume summary will give the recruiter a nuanced understanding of your work.


          Resume objective

          Everyone started as a fresher with no to little experience, this is where the resume objective comes in. If you are also have questions about how to create an emt resume with no experience then this is the place.

          A lot of people can use a resume objective, for example-

          • Freshers
          • Entry level working professional
          • A person covering up long gaps in the resume
          • Someone who is shifting/changing industries

          Now that you know who can use a resume objective, you should also know how to use a resume objective

          • Keep the resume objective 3-4 sentences long.
          • Frame your resume objective to answer the question- What you can do for the organization.
          • Expand on how your skill-set will help you deliver the best results.
          • Use cause and effect methodology in your sentences.
          • Keep the objective section to the point.
          Hiration pro tip:

          Always create a different resume for different job applications. A resume should be tailored differently for different profiles. Sending in a generic resume will not land you the targeted job.

          How about a cover letter

          A cover letter along with a well-framed resume can do wonders.

          A cover letter and resume are like two peas in a pod, they go together.

          The companies usually specify if they want a cover letter along with the resume. Even if you send in a cover letter where it wasn't mandatory to send one in, is going to step up your game.

          You should know how to write a cover letter-

          • Frame your cover letter as a response to the emt job description for resume.
          • Most of the organizations have an accepted format for a cover letter and resume, be sure of following it to perfection.
          • Don't lie or go overboard with your achievements.
          • Keep it short and coherent, readability is very important.
          • Your cover letter should give the recruiter a glimpse of the human you are, keep it professional, not robotic.

          Key Takeaways

          Here are some of the key takeaways from our emt resume guide:

          • Use the correct format to make your resume ATS friendly by including suitable keywords from emt job description resume and placing a few of them in emt resume skills section.
          • Divide your resume into distinct sections to enhance your impact on the job industry.
          • Make sure of checking and following the hiring guidelines before applying for the job.
          • Use one-liners, bucketing, and bolding while constructing your emt resume.
          • Use keywords in your professional skills section to optimize your impact on the recruiter.
          • Mention noteworthy achievements, certificates, or volunteering section if need be.
          • Create a suitable emt resume summary or emt resume objective.

          These guidelines will help you frame an effective emt resume in 2023. Moreover, you can also leverage Hiration's AI-powered 360-Degree Career Building Platform. It possesses 24/7 chat support that will help you resolve all your resume building queries. Apart from this, our career experts are also available at to help you build a marvelous career.

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