Microservices Java Resume: 2023 Guide with 10+ resume examples

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Beating the competition starts with the perfect resume.

So, you have the perfect credentials and you feel like a shoo-in for the job you are targeting, yet you never hear back from the company.

What could possibly have gone wrong?

The odds are possibly not against your favor but your resume!

A run-off-the-mill resume is often not enough to bag an awesome position with a great company as their hiring standards are much advanced to only filter the perfect candidates.

This is why an updated and optimized java microservices resume holds the key to unlocking your potential.

Here are is a summary of our Microservices Java Resume Blog:

  • In case you are a certified professional ensure that you mention the same.
  • Create a separate section to include your java projects for resume.
  • Describe your roles and responsibilities of work experience in one-liners only.
  • Create an ATS-friendly java microservices architect resume in reverse chronological format.
  • Give a summary of your microservices java resume once the rest of the sections are filled.
  • Your contact details can include the links to your profile on Github or Kaggle.
  • Include both your technical and key java microservices developer skills.

As you progress in the guide, you will see that all the microservices java resume points come attached with a plethora of examples and samples to help you visualize how every section of your resume should look like.

By having a clear understanding of the following questions, you will get an idea of how to write the perfect microservices java resume:

You can also use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to make the job easier for you.

However, if you want to curate your java microservices developer resume from scratch, then follow us as we take you through the journey of writing an ATS optimized resume.

With every turn, you will encounter section-wise microservices java developer resume examples to help us demonstrate our microservices java resume points.

What is an ATS-Compliant Microservices Java Resume?

The biggest advantage that an optimized java microservices developer resume will give you is by parsing any ATS and helping get your resume noticed by the recruiters.

Having said so you need to remember that the Application Tracking System is used by hiring managers to pick the most suitable resumes.

And your job is to include the right set of keywords in your microservices java resume.

Keywords refer to all those words and phrases that will connect your resume to the provided job description of the targeted job profile.

All you need to do is:

  • See if you have the required set of skills mentioned in the job description and add them strategically to your resume.
  • Compare your resume with the job description and align your details to match the requirements mentioned.
  • Ensure that the points you mention are familiar with what you possess and what the recruiters are looking for in an applicant.

Microservices Resume Sample

Here is a java microservices sample resume that will show you how to highlight your technical skill sets without detracting from the personality attributes:

Jack Bones
Microservices Developer (Java)
5+ years experienced Microservices Developer & Oracle certified Java Developer highly skilled in developing software for Java, Spring Batch, and Microservice applications. Adept at converting monolithic applications to microservices and writing & configuring manifest file for various Microservices in PCF. Proficient in performing program coding & testing and creating high-level UI Java-based applications.
• Microservices Development • Monolithic App Conversion • Centralized Configuration • Centralized Logging
• Software Development • Unit Testing • Code Optimization • Documentation • Troubleshooting • Code Testing
• Quality Assurance • SQL Database • Data Security • Application Development • End-user Support
  • Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Web Framework: JSF, GWT, Spring MVC
  • Databases: SQL, MySQL, Oracle
Microservices Developer
SoftSolutions LLP
Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
    Company employing 500+ employees with more than 1000 large scale projects under its wing
    Software Development
    • Collaborated with the design team of 25 to develop high-quality software for Java/Spring Batch/Microservice applications
    • Transformed monolithic app to microservices using Spring Boot via 12-factor app methodology
    Centralized Configuration & Logging
    • Deployed, scaled, configured, and wrote manifest file for various Microservices in PCF
    • Oversaw centralized configuration & centralized logging by deploying Spring config server & Splunk, respectively
    Application Designing & Coding
    • Coordinated with the Technical Architects to create high-level UI and detailed design for 15+ Java-based applications
    • Outlined documents & performed program coding & testing in compliance with the approved life cycle methodologies
    • Fixed & troubleshot Java code issues and technical issues for designers & developers during the project lifecycle
    • Resolved application-based issues through debugging, market research, and investigation
    Java Developer
    TechDraw Enterprise
    Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
      IT company with over 200 employees and servicing thousands of clients across the nation
      Application Development & Coding
      • Designed & implemented Java-based applications and defined the objectives & functionality based on user requirements
      • Developed 5+ multimedia applications and wrote well designed, testable, and efficient code for the applications
      Software Testing & Software Development
      • Developed & tested 3+ software and debugged & resolved technical problems that arise
      • Produced detailed design documentation to recommend changes to the existing Java infrastructure
      • Drafted & produced releases of software components and contributed to all phases of the development lifecycle
      • Oracle Certified Java Developer | Oracle | Mar '17
      University of New York
      B. Sc. in Computer Science
      Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
        Established in 1987, it is one of the best universities in the US with over 5k students
        • Among the top 5 percentile of the class

        Follow the 3 Stages of Microservices Java Resume Writing

        The 3 stages of resume writing will ensure that you are correctly utilizing your time and also that no important information is being missed out on.

        These are the 3 stages that should be followed while writing your java developer with microservices resume:

        • Stage 1: Master Microservices Java Resume
        • Stage 2: First Draft of Microservices Java Resume
        • Stage 3: Final Draft of Microservices Java Resume

        Master Microservices Java Resume

        In the master stage, the compilation of data is given priority over perfecting every word and phrase. This helps in getting all the information in one place and eases the further process.

        So, think of every detail that could be important to your job application and write it down in your master draft. From work experiences, internships, volunteer experiences, to education; every big and small information has a place in this draft.

        Why is it important to include even those information pieces that will be left out from the resume?

        Here’s why:

        Resume writing in the present:
        When you will start to formulate the draft that you will send to the recruiters, you won’t have to look for information anywhere as all the information you need will be right in front of you.

        This will help you in picking the most relevant information and including them in your customized resume for the job you are targeting at the moment.

        Resume update in the future:
        Further, when it’s time to update your resume in case you are looking for a new position or angling for a raise, the master draft will come in handy.

        With all the relevant information at your disposal, you can again pick the information you need to include in your resume and be done with it.

        First Draft of MIcroservices Java Resume

        Moving onto the second stage of drafting your java microservices developer resume. Here you have to compose the following important sections:

        • Header
        • Personal Information
        • Profile Title
        • Professional Experience
        • Education
        • Certifications (if any)
        • Awards & Recognition (if any)
        • Additional Information (if any)

        Note that some of these are optional sections and should be added at the writer’s discretion.

        Final Draft of Microservices Java Resume

        Coming to the final stage of resume writing, there are only two things left to be composed.

        • Key skills:
          Another important section left to be composed is the ‘key skills’ section.

        It is left till the end so you can objectively pick your skills and competencies and highlight them in this section.

        • Microservices Java Resume Summary:
          Now that all the sections outlined in the first draft stage have been composed, the composition of the summary becomes easier.

        You only need a summary if you have 3 or more years of experience. For entry-level and junior professionals, an objective statement is the way to go.

        Use Relevant Sections to Organize Your Microservices Java Resume

        Organizing information in an easy to navigate manner is key to getting your resume shortlisted.

        Not only does this enhance the readability of your resume, but it also makes it easier for an ATS to read and parse it.

        So make sure that you are filing your information under the sections mentioned below in your microservices java resume:

        • Header
        • Personal Information
        • Profile Title
        • Summary/Objective
        • Key Skills
        • Professional Experience
        • Education

        Additionally, you can consider including the following sections as per your discretion:

        • Internships (if any)
        • Certifications (if any)
        • Awards & Recognition (if any)
        • Additional Information (if any)

        If you want to know more about resume sections, read our guide.

        You can also use our Online Resume Builder where all the sections are named and content optimized in the in-built java microservices developer resume template.

        Optimize the Header Section for Your Microservices Java Resume

        You will pay attention to 3 elements while composing the header of your java microservices developer resume:

        • Header
        • Personal Information
        • Profile Title

        Microservices Java Resume: Header

        There is nothing worse than sloppy work on your resume. Make sure you are perfecting whatever data you include in your microservices java resume.

        Here are some tips to help you write the perfect resume header:

        • Use your real full name to label your resume. Writing 'CV' or 'resume' on top of your resume will likely get it rejected.
        • Display it in the font range of 16-20 points. This will be the largest font size on your resume.

        Here's a java microservices sample resume illustrating the ideal resume header for your resume:

        Remember that text size, formatting, alignment, etc. while are seemingly little things, can amount to having the difference between getting selected or rejected.

        So, if you want to be absolved from taking care of these things, visit our Online Resume Builder. It comes with pre-arranged resume sections and pre-formatted text that are perfectly sized, formatted, and aligned so all you have to do is edit the text to fit your requirements.

        Microservices Java Resume: Personal Information

        Mention the following contact details while filling up the personal information section on your java microservices resume:

        • Updated mobile number
        • Professional email ID
        • Current Location

        Hiration Pro Tip: You can also attach links in addition to your contact details such as your personal website, GitHub, Kaggle, or LinkedIn profile.

        We have more information on what information to include and more importantly what information to leave out of the resume contact information.

        To know what this section should ideally look like, take a look at the java microservices sample resume we have attached below:

        This snapshot is taken from the microservices java developer resume example we have built using Hiration’s Online Resume Builder.

        Use our Online Resume Builder to use this template.

        Microservices Java Resume: Profile Title

        Before reding your experiences, the recruiter should have a rough idea of whether or not you are a suitable candidate for the job you are applying for.

        You can give this information in just a phrase by mentioning an honest profile title.

        So, if you are Microservices Developer, write it such in your resume to tell the recruiter:

        • Your current job title
        • Your functional industry & niche
        • Your level of seniority

        Hiration Pro Tip: The second-largest text after your name in your resume should be your profile title. We advise you to write it in the range of 14-16 font-size.

        Here's an example of a java microservices resume showcasing a perfectly curated profile title:

        If you have a java microservices developer resume that you have been using to apply for jobs and want to get it reviewed, use our Resume Review Service.

        Our in-house team of resume strategists will help you polish your microservices java resume so it is shortlist-worthy.

        Perfect the Professional Experience Section of Your Microservices Java Resume

        This is without a doubt the most important section of your microservices java resume.

        Your java microservices developer roles and responsibilities can help you make a positive impression on the recruiters if curated perfectly.

        A less than perfect professional experience section would just talk about your roles & responsibilities without giving any indication of how you helped the company grow or what these roles & responsibilities helped you achieve.

        If you want your java microservices developer roles and responsibilities to pack a punch, use this tried and tested formula:

        • Frame points
        • Use the STAR format
        • Use Grouping & Highlighting


        We will forever be on the brigade of points over paragraphs.

        Paragraphs have no place in a professional resume. They are dull and are most likely to get ignored. On the other hand, crisp one-liner points demand attention and say important things in a few words.

        Here are two microservices java developer resume examples to demonstrate this point:

        AVOID THIS:

        Microservices Java Resume Example 1:

        "As part of my roles & responsibilities as a microservices developer, I worked with the Design team to assist in the development of high-quality software for Java/Spring Batch/Microservice applications. I also utilized Spring Boot via a 12-factor app methodology to transform monolithic apps into microservices. Moreover, I helped in the creation of high-level UI and detailed design for Java-based applications by collaborating with the Technical Architects. I was also responsible for performing program coding & testing and ensuring that the approved life cycle methodologies were complied with".


        Microservices Java Resume Example 2:

        • Assisted in the development of high-quality software for Java/Spring Batch/Microservice applications by collaborating with the Design team of 25
        • Employed Spring Boot via 12-factor app methodology to transform monolithic apps into microservices
        • Created high-level UI and detailed design for 17+ Java-based applications while coordinating with the Technical Architects
        • Complied with the approved life cycle methodologies while performing program coding & testing

        Framing Points: Analysis

        The microservices java developer resume examples above demonstrate the following points:

        Hard to read and comprehend in a short time
        Has enhanced readability and easy to understand
        Important points get lost amongst vague words The main points effectively stand out


        Now that you have taken care of the readability, it is time to ensure that your resume is putting forward points worth reading.

        What good would easily readable points do if they do not show the recruiters the impact you brought in your previous engagements.

        If you are saying nothing through a well-formatted java microservices experience resume, it is a ticket straight to the rejection pile.

        How can you showcase the important entity that you were in your previous profiles?

        It is easy!

        Just build a connection between your job roles and your accomplishments and showcase them through your one-liner statements.

        The STAR format comes extremely handy while you are trying to build a cause-effect relationship in your professional experience statements:

        • S or situation: The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
        • T or task: The actual task that was assigned to you
        • A or action: The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
        • R or result: The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure


        Readability: check

        Impactfullness: check

        What more?

        Grouping & Highlighting can be the one thing to put you on the recruiter’s radar.

        All you have to do is identify the points that could be grouped under one function. Give a subheading and list those points under it.
        Further, you could highlight the important aspects of each statement by highlighting key phrases. This will draw the recruiter’s attention towards them and they won’t even have to read your whole resume to understand your ey roles & responsibilities.

        Take a look at these microservices java resume examples we have illustrated below.

        LESS IMPACT:

        Microservices Java Resume Example 1:

        • Assisted in the development of high-quality software for Java/Spring Batch/Microservice applications by collaborating with the Design team of 25
        • Employed Spring Boot via 12-factor app methodology to transform monolithic apps to microservices
        • Created high-level UI and detailed design for 17+ Java-based applications while coordinating with the Technical Architects
        • Complied with the approved life cycle methodologies while performing program coding & testing

        HIGH IMPACT:

        Microservices Java Resume Example 2:

        Software Development

        • Assisted in the development of high-quality software for Java/Spring Batch/Microservice applications by collaborating with the Design team of 25
        • Employed Spring Boot via 12-factor app methodology to transform monolithic apps to microservices

        Application Designing & Coding

        • Created high-level UI and detailed design for 17+ Java-based applications while coordinating with the Technical Architects
        • Complied with the approved life cycle methodologies while performing program coding & testing

        Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

        The microservices java developer resume examples above demonstrate the following points:

        Easy to read but is not organized Highly organized with relevant points clubbed together
        Does not specifically pinpoint the major points Achievements and contributions stand out

        Microservices Java Resume Sample for Professional Experience

        Here's a java microservices sample resume showcasing what a perfectly-curated professional experience section should look like:

        Moving on, if you have an existing java microservices developer resume that isn’t getting you enough interview calls, consult our in-house team of resume experts now!

        Add Java Projects for Resume

        If you have acquired experience by working on a project or led a project then make sure to mention it in your resume.

        Java projects for resume can be highlighted in a separate section but make sure to include only the important points.

        • Give a short description of the project
        • Mention the client's or organization's name if the project was for them
        • Provided duration of the project
        • List some points describing your roles and responsibilities
        • Ensure that you add achievements figures

        You need to keep your java projects for resume short and simple.

        These particular details can give the recruiters an insight into your experience level and help them identify your potential.

        Give an Account of Your Education Background and Relevant Certifications

        Recruiters look for educated individuals while shortlisting candidates.

        Moreover, if it ever comes down to picking between a couple of candidates with similar career trajectories, the one with better education and relevant certifications is always picked over the others.

        So make sure that you are incorporating this information in your resume:

        • Education background
        • Certifications held (if any)

        Microservices Java Resume: Education

        Here are some tips you can follow to correctly present your education details in your resume:

        • Name of the courses you have pursued.
        • Name of the schools/universities you have attended.
        • Your school/university’s location.
        • Enrolment and graduation dates in month & year format.

        There is more on how to list education on your resume in this guide.

        Here's a java microservices sample resume showcasing the ideal education section for your resume:

        Microservices Java Resume: Certifications

        If you have gone out of your way to getting certified to gain knowledge and further your career then you should definitely include this information in your resume.

        Present your relevant certifications in the following manner:

        • Certification name
        • Name of the certifying body/institute
        • Location of the certifying body/institute
        • Dates of enrolment & completion

        Here's a java microservices sample resume presenting a perfectly-composed education section:

        Present Your Microservices Java Skills Using a Distinct Key Skills Section

        When all is said and done, it comes down to whether or not you hold the skillsets required to fulfill the duties of the job at hand.

        Make a distinct section to outline both your core and technical skills and follow these tips while doing so:

        • Compile all your core skills under a distinct 'key skills' section.
        • Example: Microservices Development, Monolithic App Conversion, Centralized Configuration, etc.
        • Make a subsection, titled as technical skills. Use this to present your technical or tool-based skills.
        • Example: HTML, JSF, SQL, etc.

        Understand what skills to put on a resume through this guide.

        Here's a java microservices sample resume showcasing a perfectly-composed key skills section:

        Care to see if your current resume has what it takes?

        Curate an Impeccable Resume Summary or Objective to Conclude Your Microservices Java Resume

        Presenting a brief overview on top of the resume can help the recruiter decide if they deem your application shortlist worthy.

        A summary and objective have the same function but differ in their context.

        Here's a list of scenarios to help you identify whether your resume needs a summary or an objective:

        • Mid-senior level professionals + entry-level Microservices Developer with a minimum work experience of 3 years: These professionals should write a resume summary.
        • Fresh graduates with no work experience + entry-level Microservices Developers with less than 3 years of work experience: These professionals should write a microservices java architect resume objective.

        Entry Level Microservices Java Resume Summary

        Here are a few tips to help you write an effective summary for your java microservices resume:

        • If written in the beginning, you will have to revisit and edit this section once you are finished with your java microservices experience resume. This is why we advise that the summary be written at the end.
        • Go through your professional experience statements and pick out the best career highlights and achievements to be displayed in the summary.
        • Keep the summary limited between 3 to 5 lines.

        We have written a thorough Resume Summary Guide. So, if you feel the need to know more about this section, head on over there and give it a read.

        Here's a java microservices sample resume showcasing the ideal summary for your microservices java architect resume:

        You can also simply go to Hiration's Online Resume Builder and make the process of resume-writing hassle-free.

        Use Hiration’s Resume Writing Services to Build the Perfect Microservices Java Resume

        Whether you want to build a microservices java architect resume from scratch or have a java microservices developer resume that could use a second pair of eyes, we have services to fulfill all your recruitment needs!

        Resume Review Service

        Use Hiration’s Resume Review Services to get your java microservices experience resume reviewed in compliance with the following parameters:

        • Content Relevance
        • Design Compatibility
        • Global Compatibility
        • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)
        • Performance Assessment
        • ATS Compliance
        • Recruiter Friendliness
        • Compliance with industry norms
        • Conversion Scope

        Online Resume Builder for Your Microservices Java Resume

        Just great content doesn’t make for a shortlist-worthy java microservices experience resume. While extremely important, the presentability and ATS-friendliness factor should also be considered.

        Our AI-powered Online Resume Builder considers every aspect that goes into making a shortlist-worthy microservices java architect resume. Use it and enjoy the following features:

        • LIVE resume score
        • Unlimited PDF downloads
        • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
        • A sharable link
        • JD-resume matcher
        • Full rich-text editor
        • Auto bold
        • 25+ resume designs
        • Option to save unlimited resumes
        • Intuitive predictive text suggestion
        • 1-click design change

        Key Takeaways

        Here's a quick overview of our guide:

        • Use relevant sections to file and organize information to enhance the readability of your microservices java architect resume.
        • Use your real full name as the label of your java microservices experience resume.
        • Give your basic contact details like your mobile number, email ID, and location. Consider including your personal website and LinkedIn portfolio links as well.
        • Write an honest profile title to communicate your functional industry & expertise to the recruiter.
        • Keep the summary short and do not go beyond a 5 line paragraph.
        • Avoid using paragraphs to communicate your roles and responsibilities in the professional experience section. Use one-liner points instead and further format them with the use of grouping & highlighting.
        • Use achievement figures in your professional experience section to show your value.

        With this, you have reached the end of this blog.

        We hope that you are now well equipped to write the perfect java microservices resume.

        Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at support@hiration.com and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.