According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 5% rise in the number of jobs available for wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives. This is a clear hint to the growth in the employment of medical sales representatives too.

As a medical sales representative, you need to create a medical sales resume that catches the attention of recruiters and hiring managers to stand out from the crowd.

How would you create a stunning resume for medical sales that can leave a lasting impression within the 7 seconds a recruiter gives to every resume?

Here we will look at medical sales resume examples by discussing the most frequently asked questions and topics related to them.

What Is a Medical Sales Resume?

Like any other job resume, a medical sales resume is a document that showcases the skills and professional experience of the sales representative. If you are adept at selling medical products to healthcare professionals, it should be reflected in your medical sales resume too.

A medical sales representative targets doctors, nurses, and pharmacists so that they can use the products given by medical sales representatives. They keep an in-depth knowledge of their products that they pitch to the healthcare professionals and win their confidence.

A resume for a medical sales representative, whether an entry level medical sales resume or an experienced medical sales resume, should act as a sales pitch so that the recruiters cannot “left-swipe” it.

What are the important sections in a medical sales resume?

While writing your medical sales resume, here are the important sections that you cannot skip at any cost:

  • Header section
  • Resume summary/objective
  • Work experience
  • Educational details
  • Certifications
  • Skills section

Medical Sales Resume Header

A header section contains the basic information about you. It primarily includes your personal details such as name, email, phone number, unique website, and LinkedIn.

Instead of writing a generic medical sales representative, try to mention your niche. For example, write “senior medical sales management executive” instead of “medical sales professional” in the header section.

A good header section can set you apart from others as it is the first thing that hiring managers notice in a resume.

Hiration Tip: Adding a LinkedIn profile to your medical sales resume can get you brownie points by making it easy for hiring managers to check your professional summary.

Also Read: How to Frame Resume Header Section in 2022?

Medical Sales Resume Examples- Summary

A medical sales resume summary is an elevator pitch that will either get you shortlisted or make the recruiters lose interest in your resume.

A medical sales resume summary should give an overview of your professional experience. If you have a significant amount of experience, mention it briefly along with achievements quoting figures followed by skills.

If you are drafting an entry level medical sales resume, change the resume summary section to the objective.

Hiration Tip: “While drafting an entry level medical sales resume, do not exaggerate to appear more skilled. Be genuine about your skills and experience. Honesty goes a long way!”

Also Read: How to Craft a Resume Summary in 2022?

Medical Sales Resume Examples- Work Experience

For the work experience section, write your work experience in bullets while detailing the key responsibilities that you performed. Keep it crisp.

Always list your recent experience first. To make your work experience section more presentable, include title, company name, date of employment, and location.

Do not forget to demonstrate your success in the previous or current one by using figures. Data always makes it more convincing, isn’t it?

Also Read: How to Draft Work Experience Section in Your Resume?

Medical Sales Resume Examples- Education

You can first write the passing year, degree, and course name for the medical sales resume education. In the following line, write the name of the university and GPA. Here is an example of the same.

BA in Business Management
Princeton University
3.8 GPA
New Jersey

As far as the education of a medical sales representative is concerned, some companies require an industry-related degree in nursing, pharmacology, or other medicine-related fields. Others prefer business management and marketing degrees.

Also Read: How to List Education on Resume in 2022?

Medical Sales Resume Examples- Certifications

Certifications are an add-on to your educational experience. If you have acquired medical sales-related certifications, it will boost your resume.

They are instrumental if you are a fresh graduate and do not have much work experience. Here are some medical sales related certifications that you can do:

Medical Sales Resume Examples- Skills

The skills section is your make or break area. Employees will choose you based on the skills that your resume pitches for you. Include the skills you have and the ones relevant to your field.

You can divide your skills into hard and soft ones. Hard skills can include technical skills, while soft skills can talk about your key skills.

Here is the list of soft and hard skills you can choose to put on your resume for medical sales.

Hard Skills for Medical Sales Resume Soft Skills for Medical Sales Resume
Cardiac Rhythm Management Interpersonal Skills
Biochemical Understanding Problem Solving
Healthcare Data Management Leadership Skills
Case Management Organizational Skills
Cardiac Electrophysiology Negotiation
Digital Technical Marketing Project Management
Medical Coding Client Acquisition

Hiration Tip: It is always a good idea to go through the job description and pick out skills that match yours.

Also Read: What Should You Include in Resume Skills Section?

What Do Recruiters Pay Attention to in a Medical Sales Resume?

If you think that recruiters will spend enough time reading every aspect of your resume, you could be wrong. On average, they spend less than 7 seconds browsing every resume. What do they look for in a medical sales resume?

A recruiter would look at the following aspects of your medical sales resume:

  • If you have enough sales knowledge about the medical devices, you are pitching.
  • Whether you are fluent with the medical terminologies to impress the healthcare professional, you are targeting.
  • Do you have the ability to make product recommendations as suggested by healthcare professionals?
  • Sales that you have generated in figures.
  • If you have the necessary skills required for a medical sales representative.

If your resume for medical sales can touch these points, the chances are high that you will be shortlisted for the first round of interviews.

How to Write a Medical Sales Resume?

To write the best medical sales resume, you need to cover all the mentioned sections. Additionally, here are a few points you can keep in mind while drafting the resume for a medical sales representative:

Go Through the Job Description

It is extremely important to go through the job description. It will help to understand what exactly the hiring managers are searching for in a candidate. Going through the JD can even help to pick out the essential keywords that you can add to your medical sales resume.

Resume Format

A medical sales resume format should always follow an order. There are different types of resume formats such as reverse chronological order, functional resume format, and combination resume format. Reverse chronological order is the most common type of resume format for medical sales resume.

Here are the main section and the order of their occurrence in reverse chronological resume format:

  • Contact information
  • Title
  • Professional summary
  • Key Skills
  • Professional experience
  • Education
  • Additional sections

Also Read: What Are the Different Types of Resume Formats Used by the Candidates?

Check Font Formatting

Once you have drafted the medical sales resume, ensure to check the formatting. You need to check for the font size, margins, bullets, and alignment.

  • Simple fonts such as "Ariel," "Times New Roman," or "Calibri" are the most common pick for a medical sales resume.
  • The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.
  • Keep a 1-inch margin on all sides to give your medical sales resume a neat appearance.

Seek Feedback

Once you have drafted all the necessary information, reach out to your friends or family members and make them read your resume. Ask for suggestions and incorporate them wherever you feel necessary.

Seeking feedback would also help proofread your resume, so do not shy away from it.

Medical Sales Resume Examples

Medical sales resume will be added.

Medical Sales Resume Writing Tips

Making a perfect consulting resume will become a cup of tea if you keep a few things in mind. These points can help you refine your medical sales resume and make it even better.

  • Make use of bullet points instead of paragraphs.
  • Your resume should not be beyond 1 page.
  • Use action verbs and medical sales terminologies.
  • Keep your medical sales resume easy to read by checking margins, font style, and size.
  • Make use of the space in your resume page judiciously. Do not stuff your resume with irrelevant information.
  • Quantify your success in the work experience and summary section.
  • Proofread your resume. Check for grammatical errors before sending them to recruiters.

Key Takeaways

A medical sales representative markets and generates revenue for the company. They have to communicate with their clients to seal the sales deal. The resume also needs to be unique.
Here are some key takeaways that you can keep in mind while drafting your medical sales resume.

  • Include a header, summary, professional details, education, certifications, and skills section in your medical sales resume.
  • Try to keep the layout easy to read. Follow simple formatting throughout the resume.
  • Do not exceed the resume beyond one page. If you have more than ten years of experience, you can make your resume two pages.
  • Quantify your achievements while writing the work experience section.
  • Make use of bullet points instead of paragraphs.
  • Take feedback from an experienced professional. It can be your family or friends.
  • Add a personalized cover letter with a resume to increase your chances of selection.

With these points in mind, go ahead and draft your resume for the medical sales representative.

However, if you think it can be a daunting task, you can reach out to Hiration's Online Resume Builder, which has AI-powered features to help you build a job-winning medical sales resume. It also has 24/7 chat aid and professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

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