“Believe you can and you're halfway there”
-Theodore Roosevelt

Picture this - you finally manage to land an interview with a dream company after slaving away months on end trying to get shortlisted, but on the day of the interview, your nerves take over and you find yourself stuttering the answers.

Not exactly a scenario that job seekers dream about, is it?

Plus, studies show that 40% of recruiters don’t hire candidates who lack confidence during interviews.

While being slightly nervous during interviews is natural, managing it well and not letting it hinder your performance is the crucial part.

One of the tried and tested ways to boost your confidence during interviews is by preparing well and knowing what to expect.

Read on to get tips on how to be confident in an interview and get clarity on related questions like the following:

Importance of Confidence in Interview

When you exude confidence and are sure of your abilities, interviewers will naturally find it easier to believe in your potential.

Because why would someone believe in you when you show that you have a hard time believing in yourself in the first place?

And given that interviews are conducted to determine whether or not you can be trusted to do a good job, being confident during interviews is downright essential.

Here are some statistics that emphasize the importance of being confident during interviews:

  • Maintaining eye contact projects confidence and 67% of recruiters said they wouldn’t consider hiring a candidate who failed to maintain healthy eye contact.

  • It only takes 7 seconds for recruiters to make up their first impression of you. Therefore, physical cues are important in showcasing confidence.

  • 39% of the applicants get rejected during interviews due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or a lack of smile.

Also Read: What are some useful tips to ace your first interview?

How To Be Confident in an Interview


How To Be Confident in an Interview?

While some may believe that confidence is something you’re born with, it is actually a skill that can be honed with practice.

“Fake it till you make it' - the same logic applies here when it comes to harboring confidence and showcasing it during interviews.

Given below are some tips that will put your “how to be confident in an interview” woes to rest:

Come Prepared

As stated earlier, one of the best ways to boost your confidence during interviews is by coming fully prepared for it and knowing what to expect.

This means you need to do your homework which includes - learning about the company, knowing the key requirements of the role, practicing common interview questions, and bringing in a couple of questions that you’d like to ask the interviewers.

Getting these basics right will help you feel at ease as you will be satisfied knowing you’ve put in the work.

Plus, it will help you frame better answers and reduce your chances of being startled or nervous during interviews.

Also Read: What are the most commonly asked interview questions?

Streamline Things for Yourself

Streamlining things for your interview can include researching the venue of the interview in advance, knowing the commute time and transportation means, etc.

Paying attention to minor details like these can help ease your mind on the day of the interview, reduce hassle, and give you more time to focus on performing well.

Prepare all the documents you need to carry to the interview and arrive at least 15-20 minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Rushing on the day of the interview and forgetting important documents like your CV will no doubt hamper your confidence and give you unnecessary anxiety.

Also Read: How to prepare for a panel interview?

Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Studies show that 55% of communication takes place through body language and it plays an important role in projecting confidence during interviews.

Ensure to maintain healthy eye contact with the recruiters, stand & sit up straight (avoid slouching), and wear a smile to carry a positive and confident body language in an interview.

Hiration pro tip:
Avoid fidgeting, using your phone, or using too many hand gestures as these indicate nervousness and lack of confidence.

Also Read: How to make a resume for your first job?

Look the Part

Another way to feel more confident during interviews is by looking the part or dressing well.

When you look good, you feel good about yourself and your confidence naturally gets boosted.

Plus, surveys show that 71% of employers reject candidates who don’t follow an appropriate dress code.

Especially if you are interviewing for a senior management role, you would want to have that charisma and style, as it undoubtedly affects how the recruiters will perceive you.

Avoid wearing too tight or loose clothes and ensure that your attire doesn’t hinder your movement or make you feel conscious.

Also Read: How to dress for an interview?

Use Breathing Techniques

A simple yet effective way to calm your interview jitters is by doing breathing and mindfulness exercises to help you feel relaxed.

Deep breathing supplies more oxygen to the brain, helps you think clearly, and supports your cognitive functions.

When you are stressed, you are less likely to feel confident and underperform during interviews.

how to be confident in an interview

Also Read: How to follow up after an interview?

Think Positive Thoughts

Being critical of yourself or doubting your potential is the last thing you’d want to do before an interview.

Try to think positive thoughts by envisioning yourself doing well in the interview and reassure yourself by recalling all the preparation you’ve done.

And remembering that there are plenty of other opportunities can help take some pressure off while boosting your confidence.

Also Read: What are the top job interview questions that are commonly asked by recruiters?

FAQs on How to Be Confident in an Interview?

The following are some common queries about “how to be confident in an interview”:

Is it okay to say you are nervous in an interview?

Since the recruiters have been in the same position as you in the past, they understand that candidates can be a little nervous during interviews. Unless you don’t let your nervousness get the best of you, it’s acceptable to admit that you are a little nervous in an interview.

How to answer interview questions confidently?

Besides preparing and practicing your answers beforehand to boost your confidence in an interview, you must pay attention to your tone, pitch, and rate of speech while answering interview questions. Speaking too fast or slow, with a lack of variation in pitch and tone can signal a lack of confidence in interviews.

Can I bring notes to the interview?

The general rule of thumb is that you can bring notes to an interview only if it contains questions you want to ask the recruiters. However, it is always best to confirm with the recruiters before the interview if it is acceptable to carry any type of notes to the interview.

Also Read: How to make a good first impression during interviews?

Key Points from the Blog

  • One of the tried and tested ways to boost your confidence during interviews is by preparing well and knowing what to expect.
  • Prepare well for the interview by learning about the company, knowing the key requirements of the role, practicing common interview questions, and bringing in a couple of questions you’d like to ask the interviewers.
  • Ensure to maintain healthy eye contact with the recruiters, stand & sit up straight, and wear a smile to carry a positive and confident body language in an interview.
  • Another way to feel more confident during interviews is by looking the part or dressing well. Avoid wearing too tight or too loose clothes and ensure that your attire doesn’t hinder your movement or make you feel conscious.
  • A simple yet effective way to calm your interview jitters is by doing some breathing and mindfulness exercises that will help you feel relaxed.
  • Try to think positive thoughts by envisioning yourself doing well in the interview and reassure yourself by recalling all the preparation you’ve done to boost your confidence.

Should you require expert guidance on how to be confident in an interview, visit Hiration’s Career Activator Platform which offers 24x7 chat support, and write to us at support{@}hiration{dot}com.

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