Firefighter Resume: The 2022 Guide with 15+ Samples & Examples

Fight fire with water!

[Click here to directly go to the complete firefighter resume sample]

Fight for your dream job with an ATS-compliant resume.

Learn all about landing a shortlist with our Firefighter Resume Guide today.

Your fire department resume is the key to getting an interview call, so it is important to market yourself in a way that convinces the recruiter that they don’t have to look any further.

After reading your fire fighter resume, a potential employer should understand the impact you had in your previous roles and how well your firefighter resume skills will translate to the new role you are applying to.

In this guide, we will reveal every secret to writing the perfect fire fighter resume.

We will show how you can capitalize on your strengths while downplaying your shortcomings. Furthermore, we will show you how just a one-page document can help you land your dream job!

Here is a summary of our Firefighter Resume Guide:

  • Only use the month and year format to write the dates throughout all the sections of your fire fighter resume.
  • Write the key skills and firefighter resume objectives/summary section towards the end. This will save you time and make it easier to draft these sections as well.
  • Avoid using paragraphs at all costs as it makes your fire chief resume look cluttered. Instead, use one-liner points to communicate your roles & responsibilities in the professional experience section.
  • Do not let your fire chief resume exceed 2 pages unless your work experience transcends 10 years.
  • Write a fireman resume summary if you have a professional experience of 3 years or more, otherwise stick with firefighter resume objectives.

That's not all.

This guide is embedded with 15+ sample firefighter resumes and firefighter resume examples that are designed to show you what each resume section would look like after you follow the guidelines in this blog.

Whether you're writing an entry level firefighter resume or a resume for firefighting professionals, this blog is the ONLY guide you will need.

The best part about this guide is that it is so exhaustive that you won’t have to look for information anywhere else!

By the end of this resume for firefighters blog, you will learn:

Hiration’s Online Resume Builder is easy to use as it auto-fills all the boring stuff for you, you just need to optimize it according to your current target job-listing and you are done. Start building your resume here.

Mentioned below is a list of information you will gather by reading this blog:

Firefighter Job Description for Resume

Firefighters are heroes! They save lives while risking their own. Your resume should make sure that this trait of yours comes across in the most humble way.

Following is the firefighter resume job description:

  • Administer medical care to injured people in emergencies.
  • Contain fires, assist victims, and ensure overall community safety.
  • Inspect fire fighting equipment and hydrants.
  • Perform minor maintenance to equipment.
  • Be equipped to perform emergency functions, such as first aid, CPR, etc.

Firefighter Sample Resume

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Take a look at the sample firefighter resume below. It illustrates the perfect resume for firefighters.

8+ years experienced Firefighter possessing exceptional quick-thinking and calm attitude during high-pressure situations to rescue people in emergencies. Adept at collaborating with team members to suppress an array of fire levels to minimize escalations. Deeply committed to supporting team members in daily station tasks, drills, and fire alarms.
• Emergency & Medical Care • Leadership & Training • Fire Extinguishing • Boot Camp Organization • Safety Training
• Crisis Intervention • Equipment Maintenance & Repairs
    Emergency & Medical Care
    • Administered medical care to injured people in emergencies to save the lives of 30 individuals
    • Assessed conditions and responded quickly to contain fires, assist victims, and ensure community safety
    Fire Extinguishing
    • Controlled wildfire with a team of 3 Firefighters at the local park leading to the fire to be 100% extinguished in record time
    • Mobilized a team of 9 Firefighters while responding to local fires and emergencies
    Training & Leadership
    • Trained 20+ volunteer Firefighters, showcasing leadership during evacuations and fire prevention
    Volunteering Initiatives & Boot Camp Organization
    • Conducted “Fire Safety” talks in various venues including elementary schools, churches, and local businesses
    • Devised fire training boot camps for troubled teens and individuals in rehabilitation
    Equipment Maintenance
    • Inspected Firefighting equipment and hydrants and performed minor maintenance that minimized malfunctions by 30%
    Key Achievements
    • Awarded “Silver Grade” Award for saving 150 workers from life-threatening injuries during a local factory fire
      Enter text here..

      • Emergency Medical Technology Certification | Texas Department of State Health Services | Austin, TX, US | Feb '10 - Jun '10
      • State Firefighter Certification | The Texas Commission on Fire Protection | Austin, TX, US | Jul '09 - Sep '09
      • Languages: English, Spanish

      Firefighter Salary

      Firefighter salaries as quoted by the following major websites:

      What is a Firefighter Resume & why do you need it?

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      You will need an ATS-targeted resume to shimmy down the fireman’s pole and land that job interview for a fireman.

      A less than perfect resume will take you nowhere with a fire chief as they are looking for highly-motivated people who pay special attention to detail and you have to reflect the same with your resume.

      So, the need of the hour is to keep up with the times, which means you have to make sure that your resume is perfectly structured and formatted making it both recruiter and ATS friendly.

      We have written this blog to help you build a wildland fire resume that will sail through any ATS while also impressing your recruiters.

      A persuasive resume requires creativity. We have compiled the do’s and don’ts of writing resumes to help you build your resume.

      Firefighter Resume Sections

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      To make sure that no relevant information is missed out on, we have divided the resume into the following sections which will cover every aspect of your professional identity:

      • Header
      • Personal Information
      • Profile Title
      • Summary/Objective
      • Key Skills
      • Professional Experience
      • Education
      • Certifications (if any)
      • Awards & Recognition (if any)
      • Additional Information (if any)

      If you want more advice on nailing your resume sections, readHiration's Guide to sections in a resume.

      Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try Hiration’s Online Resume Builder. It’s fast and easy to use! Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click.

      How to write your Firefighter Resume

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      If you go about writing your wildland firefighter resume with no set direction, you will probably take up a lot of time and come up with an average run-of-the-mill resume.

      You want to avoid that and write a kickass resume while not wasting your time. For this purpose only, our resume writing experts have broken down the whole process into the following easy to follow stages:

      • First Stage: Master Firefighter Resume
      • Second Stage: First Draft of Firefighter Resume
      • Third Stage: Final Draft of FIrefighter Resume

      Master Firefighter Resume

      Alright, let’s get to work. Sit down! And think about your whole professional life. The recent instances will come easier to you, so start listing everything down. What you did, how it helped the company?

      Were you the employee of the year? The manager gave you any special kudos? It’s all solid gold! Keep going back to all the profiles you have held and keep listing down everything at one source file.

      Dig out any logs and files to come up with hard data to back up your claims.

      Do not forget about your education! List down all the information regarding your education as well.

      Wondering what goal this master firefighter resume will achieve? It will help you in the following manner:

      • Resume-writing in the present: As all your information is now compiled in one source, all you need to do is pick out the relevant details to build your resume. Because of the easy accessibility, it is so much easier to customize your resume according to whichever job you are targeting at the time.
      • Resume update in the future: Once we have found a job, we tend to not look at our resume until we need it again and then we have to go through the whole ordeal all over again. But, if you have a master resume, you will cut your effort in half as you will already have all the information you will need to update your resume located in a single file.

      First Draft of Firefighter Resume

      The first draft of your fire department resume requires you to draft all the sections of your resume except the key skills and firefighter resume objectives/summary section.

      We have listed all the sections you will need to draft in this section below:

      • Header
      • Personal Information
      • Profile Title
      • Education
      • Certifications (if any)
      • Awards & Recognition (if any)
      • Additional Information (if any)

      Draft of Firefighter Resume

      Now that you have completed writing all the sections mentioned in the first draft of your wildland firefighter resume, it will be extremely easy for you to write the key skills and firefighter resume objective/summary section.

      We saved this section for last to make it easier for you to draft them. Now, you just need to go through your professional experience section and identify keywords from it to make-up your key skills section.

      For the firefighter resume summary section, you just need to identify the roles & responsibilities that resonate with the firefighter resume job desciption of your target job and frame them for this section.

      Also, don’t forget to highlight the achievements that you are most proud of.

      Use Hiration’s guide on how to write a resume to improve your chances of getting more interview calls.

      Firefighter Resume: Header

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      Always remember that your fire chief resume header should only be your name, not “CV” or “Resume” or anything else.

      These are some of the tips regarding how to format your resume header to make sure it follows current industry standards:

      • Your resume header appears at the topmost part of your resume.
      • Leave a single space between your first and last name.
      • Initialize middle name, if you have one.
      • Keep the font size between 16 and 20.

      Job hunting can be daunting, that’s why we’ve put together guides to navigate you through the process. Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header is one such guide.

      Here's a firefighter resume sample showcasing the perfect header section:

      Let the resume writing experts at Hiration take some stress off your shoulders by helping you build an ATS-optimized wildland firefighting resume. We can also help you build your firefighter resume cover letter

      Firefighter Resume: Personal Information

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      Avoid providing extremely personal details and keep this section strictly for contact information only. Ideally, the personal information section should consist of the following details:

      • Your functional mobile number
      • Your professional email ID
      • Your current location of residence

      Updated Mobile Number

      Re-check this information after you are done drafting your fire dept resume to make sure there are no typing mistakes here. Follow the below-mentioned instructions while writing your updated phone number:

      • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number
      • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code
      • Write your updated mobile number after the ISD code
      • Eg: +1 65432 51981

      Professional Email Address

      Do not mess up while writing your email ID as it will be the official mode of communication between you and your recruiter.

      It needs to be professional-sounding as well to leave a good impression on your recruiter.

      So, let’s say, if your name is Alecto Carrow, your email ID should look like “” and not “”.

      Current Location of Residence

      There is no scope for error even in the tiniest details of your resume. Follow the guidelines below while writing the location in your resume:

      • Mention your current city and state of residence if you are looking for a job in your country of residence. If you are hoping to move abroad, mention your city and country name.

      Read Hiration's Guide to composing your contact information to perfectly curate the personal information section of your wildland firefighting resume.

      Sample Firefighter Resume for Personal Information

      Here's a sample firefighter resume showcasing the ideal personal information section:

      Read on to explore the 15+ firefighter resume examples that we have mentioned in this blog for a better understanding of how each section should be ideally curated.

      Hiration’s Online Resume Builder is a comprehensive resume writing service that can create your wildland fire resume and on your behalf, using the employment of professional resume writing experts.

      You can also use our services to write the perfect firefighter resume cover letter.

      Firefighter Resume: Profile Title

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      Your profile title conveys your latest job designation in your functional industry to your recruiter.

      It is important that you accurately curate your profile title and do not lie or exaggerate your level of seniority in hopes of higher pay.

      Write this section in the font range of 14 and 16 font size.

      For tips on writing an ideal profile title, view our firefighter resume examples.

      We understand that writing a resume for what could be your dream job is formidable. If you are looking for assistance, let our experts review your resume and tell you what to do to make it better.

      Firefighter Resume: Professional Experience

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      The professional experience is the most important section of your wildland firefighter resume as your suitability for this job will be judged based on this section.

      With the help of this section, you will be able to talk about your roles & responsibilities and achievements that make you stand out from the crowd.

      You can employ the following tricks to enhance the quality of your professional experience section:

      • Use the STAR format
      • Frame one-liner points
      • Use bucketing & bolding

      We have composed the guide to show you how to compose the professional experience section in your resume to help you.

      Our firefighter resume examples use numbers and figures in the professional experience section that make the candidate’s accomplishments more tangible.

      STAR Format

      The STAR format stands for:

      S: Situation - The situation that led to your contributions.
      T: Task - The task that got assigned to you.
      A: Action - What action you took to fulfill this assigned task.
      R: Result - What were the results of this action in the form of an achievement figure.

      The STAR format employs the cause-effect relationship to explain the “why” behind your actions and results, pinpointing your exact contributions to your organization.

      Framing Points

      A shortlist-worthy resume is one that communicates your roles & responsibilities to the recruiter in an effective manner. That will happen when it is easy to read and comprehend.

      Wonder why you are not getting shortlisted even when you are qualified? It might be because you have been using paragraphs to phrase the professional experience section of your resume.

      It’s time to turn the leaf and follow our advice of only using one-liner points.

      Here are two firefighter resume examples that we want you to observe closely:

      Example 1:

      "I was responsible for administering medical care to injured people in emergencies which led to 30 individuals being saved. I employed different approaches according to the conditions at hand to contain fires and assist victims. My team always responded quickly and assessed the conditions accurately, ensuring the safety of the community. I along with a team of 7 firefighters was able to control the wildfire at the local park in record time. I also spearheaded and mobilized a team of 11 Firefighters while responding to local fires and emergencies."

      Example 2:

      • Managed to control the local park wildfire with a team of 7 Firefighters which led to the fire being extinguished 100% in record time
      • Spearheaded a team of 11 Firefighters while responding to local fires and emergencies
      • Saved lives of injured people in emergencies through administering medical care, a total of 30 individuals saved till date
      • Employed the right approach to contain fires and assist victims by responding quickly and accurately assessing conditions, ensuring the safety of the community

      Framing Points Analysis

      The following points can be concluded from the following firefighter resume examples that we have mentioned above:

      • In firefighter resume example 1, we have used a paragraph to talk about the candidate’s professional experience. As is evident, it’s long and messy hence failing to have the desired impact.
      • In firefighter resume example 2, we have used simple one-liner points to communicate the same information as example 1. As we can see, it is easier to read and gets the point across in a more comprehensible manner.
      • Hence, we implore you to use bullet points rather than paragraphs while drafting the professional experience section of your wildland firefighting resume.

      Bucketing & Bolding

      While good readability is incredibly important, if your resume still does not pack a punch, all this effort may go to waste.

      We encourage the use of bucketing & bolding alongside points to enhance the effectiveness of your resume.

      Look at these two firefighter resume examples that illustrate this point:

      Example 1:

      • Managed to control the local park wildfire with a team of 7 Firefighters which led to the fire being extinguished 100% in record time
      • Spearheaded a team of 11 Firefighters while responding to local fires and emergencies
      • Saved lives of injured people in emergencies through administering medical care, a total of 30 individuals saved till date
      • Employed the right approach to contain fires and assist victims by responding quickly and accurately assessing conditions, ensuring the safety of the community

      Example 2:

      Fire Extinguishing

      • Managed to control the local park wildfire with a team of 7 Firefighters which led to the fire being extinguished 100% in record time
      • Spearheaded a team of 11 Firefighters while responding to local fires and emergencies

      Emegency & Medical Care

      • Saved lives of injured people in emergencies through administering medical care, total 30 individuals saved till date
      • Employed the right approach to contain fires and assist victims by responding quickly and accurately assessing conditions, ensuring the safety of the community

      Bucketing & Bolding: Analysis

      We have drawn the following conclusions from the above-mentioned firefighter resume examples:

      • In firefighter resume example 1, we use points that make the resume easier to read and comprehend. However, it does nothing to emphasize your career highlights.
      • In firefighter resume example 2, we use bucketing & bolding along with the bullets that will directly draw the recruiter’s attention towards the highlights of the candidate’s career. This enhances the effectiveness of the resume.
      • Hence, we advise the use of bucketing & bolding alongside points to enhance the effectiveness of your resume.

      Sample Firefighter Resume for Professional Experience

      Here's a sample firefighter resume showcasing the ideal professional experience section for your resume.

      Use Hiration’s Online Resume Review Service. It will help you correctly evaluate your resume and tell you how to overcome the shortcomings. Just click below:

      Firefighter Resume: Education

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      Although firefighters don’t require formal education, most candidates will have at least an associate degree to stay one step ahead of the competition.

      The education section of your firefighter resumes should ideally contain the following details:

      • Name of your school/university.
      • Name of the courses you have pursued.
      • The location of your school/university.
      • Date of enrolment and graduation from each course (in month & year format).

      Should you show your GPA on a resume for a firefighter? See Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume.

      The minimalist design of our firefighter resume examples do not distract the reader’s attention and make it extremely easy to navigate.

      View one such sample firefighter resume illustrating the perfect education section below:

      When adding education to your resume, use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to ensure it is in a professional format.

      The pre-designed firefighter resume templates that comes with our Resume Builder can be easily customized to suit your professional needs & qualifications. Use it to write an impeccable resume today!

      Firefighter Resume: Certifications

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      Certifications play a vital role in a firefighting job. As firefighters respond to emergency situations, certifications other than fire fighting also come in extremely handy and are even sought after.

      So, if you have an EMT certification or any medical certification, etc. do not leave them off your resume. Moreover, certifications also give you an edge over your competition which might not have that added advantage.

      Mention the following information in the certifications section of your fire department resume:

      • Name of the certification you have pursued.
      • Name of the certification issuing body.
      • Location of the certifying body.
      • Enrollment and completion date in the month and year format.

      Align this information horizontally in the format shown below:

      {Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month & year format)

      Hiration's Guide on listing certifications on a resume will answer all of your questions regarding the certifications section.

      Our firefighter resume examples demonstrate the ideal sections to a resume. View our certifications section below:

      Do not miss out on your dream job! If you have an existing resume you want to get evaluated, we can help you with that. Use Hiration’s Resume Review Service!

      Firefighter Resume: Volunteering Experience

      Any kind of community service volunteer work will look sharp on your wildland firefighter resume, especially medical volunteer work.

      Showcasing volunteering initiatives on your resume suggests that you are not only dedicated to cultivating your firefighter resume skills but also want to help the community.

      Read Hiration's Guide to listing volunteer experience on a resume to know exactly how to demonstrate your volunteer work on a resume.

      You can also use Hiration’s Resume Review Service to help better your volunteer firefighter resume with the help of our resume writing experts.

      Firefighter Resume: Additional Information

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      All the miscellaneous information that you are not able to fit anywhere finds a home in the additional information section. You can mention anything ranging from hobbies to your knowledge of multiple languages.

      Our sample firefighter resumes can help you.

      Attached below is a sample firefighter resume showcasing the ideal additional information section:

      You can also use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to make use of our pre-filled firefighter resume template with perfectly aligned sections to make an impeccable resume.

      Write your perfect firefighter resume cover letter by using Hiration's Services

      Firefighter Resume Key Skills Section

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      Your recruiter is most likely to scan this section of your resume first to make sure that you have the firefighter resume skills that they are looking for in a candidate.

      Based on this the recruiter might decide to evaluate your resume further.

      This means that you need to perfectly compose this section to impress the recruiter. Mention your core skills here.

      You can also identify the keywords mentioned in your target job listing and replicate these keywords smartly in the key skills section.

      Compose this section of your wildland fire resume towards the end as it is a more effective approach.

      Hazey about the details? Read Hiration's Guide on what skills to put on a resume and put your doubts to rest.

      Hiration’s Online Resume Builder will write your wildland fire resume while complying with all the current industry standards. Use it today!

      Check out what a great key skills section looks like in our sample firefighter resume:

      Firefighter Resume Summary

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      Writing a wildland firefighting resume summary? That’s hard, so don’t do it first. Write your other sections, then select the best of them for your firefighter resume summary.

      This section gives the recruiter a quick overview of your professional experience and the highlights of your career.

      Here are some facts that you should keep in mind while writing your wildland firefighting resume summary:

      • Only write a resume summary if you have a minimum of 3 years of work experience.
      • Pick the keywords from the firefighter resume job desciption of your target job and lay them down in your resume summary, do not, however, blatantly copy keywords.

      Hiration's Resume Summary Guide has all you need to know about composing a resume summary.

      Let Hiration’s firefighter resume examples guide you.

      Evaluate our firefighter resume examples to make the ideal resume summary:

      Every section in Hiration’s Online Resume Builder is pre-filled, and the text size and the design of the resume are perfected to save you from the trouble of obsessing over every tiny detail.

      You can also customize each section according to your needs using the firefighter resume template that comes with our Resume Builder.

      Firefighter Resume Objective

      When writing the entry level firefighter resume objective, focus on what you can do for the company and not the other way around. Be very clear with what you intend to contribute and aspire to accomplish.

      Write a entry level firefighter resume objective if you have less than 3 years of work experience.

      Hiration's Guide on Resume Objectives will help you if you are a fresher or have very little experience.

      Resume Review & Free Firefighter Resume Templates

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      Being a firefighter, it’s alright if you are not well-versed in the art of writing a resume. Let the resume writing experts at Hiration help you identify the flaws in your resume.

      We will tell you exactly what you can do to make a perfect fire department resume.

      With our review service, your wildland firefighter resume will be professionally reviewed according to the following parameters:

      • Compliance with industry norms
      • Content Relevance
      • Recruiter Friendliness
      • Design Compatibility
      • Conversion Scope
      • ATS Compliance
      • Global Compatibility
      • Performance Assessment
      • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

      And you will even get 2 firefighter resume templates for free!

      Make sure that your wildland fire resume is ATS-optimized with Hiration’s Resume Review Service.

      Online Resume Builder for Firefighter Resume

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      Our Online Resume Builder is a comprehensive tool that will help you design an impeccable fire dept resume that will have perfect formatting.

      You will get the following resources with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder:

      • Option to save unlimited resumes
      • 25+ resume designs
      • Full rich-text editor
      • Unlimited PDF downloads
      • 100+ resume templates
      • 1-click design change
      • A shareable link
      • Live resume editor

      Write your wildland fire resume with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder now!

      Key Takeaways

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      • The month and year format is the ideal format and should be followed consistently throughout all the sections of your wildland fire resume.
      • You can't go wrong with the reverse-chronological format. Follow it to make sure that your wildland fire resume is ATS-optimized.
      • Maximize the readability and effectiveness of your resume by using bucketing & bolding while framing points. Do not forget to use the STAR format.
      • Use power verbs to begin all the bullets of the professional experience section.
      • For present profiles, use power verbs in the present continuous tense. For past profiles, use power verbs in the past tense.
      • In the professional experience section, quantify your achievements wherever you can.
      • Never let your fire dept resume exceed 2 pages and your resume summary 3-5 lines unless you have 10+ years of work experience.

      With this you have reached the end of the blog, we hope you are now able to write a job-winning firefighter resumes.

      Are you ready to put all these tips into action and land the perfect firefighter job? Check out our fire dept resume templates and build your resume with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder.

      Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.