A resume builder is like toilet paper.

You only realize its importance when you need it...and it's not there.

You don't go about your day thinking of the best resume builder, right? You only think of a resume creator or a free resume builder when you urgently need one.

Only when there's a deadline looming or when the frustration in your present job goes through the roof, is when you think of resumes.

From there, you start wondering if there's an online resume builder which can deliver what you are looking for.

This blog will walk you through:

A no-frills resume creator with action-packed features, the best resume builder online for all your job-hunt troubles, an online resume builder for jumpstarting your resume building process...where would one find that?

After spending countless hours researching and talking to professionals across the globe, we realized the dire necessity of a state-of-the-art online resume builder in the market.

Since we couldn't find any, we did the next best thing: we created one.

With features that will leave you spellbound, we assure you that you won't be able to find half these features in any other generic resume builder online.

Don't believe us? Check it out yourself!

Resume Builder Inforgraphic

Well, what are you waiting for?

Click the below link to go directly to our online resume builder and see that we're not bluffing.

We understand the trouble you face when you go about with your resume building and job-hunt process.

And we understand that writing or updating your resume is not fun. For you. We? We live and breathe resumes, so let's exclude ourselves from this.

But what we essentially mean is that doing things The Hiration Way will make sure that you don't dread preparing or updating your resume.

It's important for you to realize that at the end of the day, it's your resume. You shouldn't be afraid of it.

All you need is an online resume builder which can simplify the entire process of resume building...

A resume building tool using which you don't approach your resume with dread but with optimism...


We know an exact tool that fits the bill.

What if you have already prepared your resume and are looking for an expert opinion on the same?

Well, in that case as well, you are in the right place.

You can get in touch with the resume experts at Hiration for an in-depth professional review of your resume.

The professional review will be an exhaustive critique of your resume and will address aspects across both content and design.

It wouldn't hurt to have some expert eyes scan your resume for typos, formatting glitches, inconsistent content, etc., right?

Well then, wait for no further and get your resume professionally reviewed now.

Let's jump right into it then. This guide will broadly cover the following:

Resume Builder: Why do you need an online resume builder?

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Before there was an online resume builder, there was MS Word.

There still is, but using it for your resume building is like using a penknife to cut a tree.

Why would you do that, when there's a ginormous saw which would get the job done in no time?

Why make your resume on MS Word when the best resume builder is just a click away?

Formatting your resume

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A major reason why people would dread resume building is that the only tool available was MS Word.

Between us, we'd prefer to write your resume on the bark of a tree instead of formatting it in MS Word.

Don't get us wrong. MS Word is a powerful tool. And yes, you can make some very intriguing resumes on it.

But it's not designed to be a resume builder. It's not designed as per your resume building requirements.

Lord knows we've seen our fair share of people spending Herculean efforts in formatting that bullet just right, or making sure that the margins are consistent.

We personally faced these struggles, and we know countless people who struggle with the same on a daily basis.

Which is why Hiration's best resume builder is the solution to all your resume building dilemmas.

No more struggling with bullets or spending hours indenting your points.

In our online resume builder, all your formatting troubles are taken care of. This leaves you free to focus on your resume content - something which we take very seriously.

Free Resume Builder Online for Students

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We were all students once, remember?

Some people don't. At Hiration, we do.

We know how much of a task it is to figure out the professional world waiting for you.

We know how resume building is a pain, and how as students, you would do anything for a resume builder free of cost.

The best free resume builder is here and waiting for you.

In our online resume builder, we've provided a free resume design template for students and entry-level professionals who are struggling with their resumes.

The Royal Blue Design Template, one of our most popular designs, is freely available for all users. Ditch your old resume format and use our Royal Blue Design Template for a complete makeover of your resume!

Additionally, in our free resume builder, you will find free content templates for multiple profiles.

Framing impactful points in a resume is easier said than done. Most people are stalwarts in their fields, but they face a lot of issues when it comes to reflecting the same on paper.

Referring to these free ready-to-use content templates will provide you with some much-needed clarity on how to frame powerful points across your resume.

A Resume Creator with a Difference

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Pick any resume creator or resume builder and you will find that it's essentially a glorified form.

You will fill up your details in pre-existing fields and you are told that that's what you need, that you are done.

Well, dear reader, you are far from done.

Why opt for any other resume creator when you have the best resume builder to your rescue?

When you combine some ground-breaking infographic resume elements including charts and timelines, with 30+ resume designs and 100+ ready-to-use resume templates, you have an online resume builder that delivers much more than meets the eye.

  • Dazzle the recruiter with a quick snapshot of your professional trajectory
  • Present your skills in interactive charts
  • Change the design of your resume in a single click without disturbing the content
  • Create multiple copies of your resume in an instant and customize each resume for different profiles and countries
  • Edit your resume in real-time and create a digital resume which you can share with everyone

And that's just the tip of the iceberg that is our online resume builder. If you still haven't used it, you are missing out.

Inforgraphic Elements in Resume Builder

Why is Hiration's Online Resume Builder the Best Resume Builder?

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Infographic Resume & ATS Optimization

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When it comes to a resume builder, 2 things are of utmost importance:

  • That it is recruiter-friendly
  • That it is ATS-optimized

Let's say you find a resume builder which promises you an infographic resume.

Sweet right? You always wanted jazzy timelines and interactive charts in your resume. You think it'll really help with your shortlists.

Well, yes. And no.

All this depends on a little thing we call the applicant tracking system. Or ATS.

It doesn't matter if your resume contains an exhaustive timeline and smooth charts. All this goes down the drain if the same can't be parsed by an ATS.

A good rule of thumb is that if the text has been written on an image (which essentially is what infographic is all about), it's extremely rare that it's ATS-friendly.

But not in Hiration's best resume builder. No sir.

We don't call our online resume builder the best resume builder for nothing. Not only do you get these infographic elements, but the same is encoded in HTML - which basically means that the text in our infographic resume can be parsed by an ATS.

30+ Designs...and Just 1 Click

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Design plays an important role in your resume.

With 30+ designs on our online resume builder at your disposal, we wanted to not overwhelm you with the same.

Enter the famed 1-click Change Design feature of our resume builder online.

With just a single click, you can instantly see your resume in any other design of your choice. And the best part? The content remains untouched.

You can do this endlessly until you are satisfied. You can create multiple copies of a single resume and have each copy in a unique design.

When it comes to the best resume builder, the sky is the limit really.

100+ Ready-to-use Content Templates

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Do you groan when you think of the actual content which goes in your resume?

Do you think you are alone?

No. You are not.

Which is why the resume experts at Hiration compiled 100+ pre-filled content templates for the most in-demand profiles across all major industries.

How will that help?

Let's take an example.

Let's say you are a Sales Manager. In your current profile, you wrote:

Head of the sales team and did sales to achieve all targets


Now you go ahead and refer to the content template for the Sales Manager profile. You identify the APRA format for phrasing your resume points, which is:

Action Verb + Project + Result = Accomplishment

This Princeton-based format for framing your resume points is how you showcase the quantifiable impact of your achievements. You find this format in all our content templates. Consequently, you rephrase the above point as:

Spearheaded the Sales team of 15+ Associates to generate sales of USD 1.2 million and exceed targets by 120%

If you are able to follow this format across all your resume points, you will automatically end up overshadowing 90% of the applicants out there.

First Page Resume Builder

The Resume Builder App to Rule All Resume Builders

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What is it about our resume builder app which makes it the best resume builder?

Uniform Spacing

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A resume is either 1 page or 2.

Many people commit the mistake of leaving a lot of white space in their resume. If their resume comes out to 1.5 pages, they leave it at that.

Hiration pro tip:
If you are utilizing the second page, make sure your resume reaches the entirety of the second page.

But how can you do that?

If you are on any generic online resume builder, you:

  • either delete information to reduce your resume to 1 page
  • add irrelevant information just so that your resume reaches 2 complete pages

Both these options are less than ideal. But there's a third way. The Hiration Way.

Just a few clicks of a button and you can uniformly increase or decrease spacing in your resume.

You don't have to manually add a fixed space after every section like you would do in MS Word.

Without disturbing the existing content in your resume, you have the option to either reduce your resume to 1 page or make it more spacious and extend it to 2 complete pages.

This unique feature in our resume builder app is enough in itself to beat every other online resume builder out there.

Color Scheme in the Best Resume Builder App

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The amount of black-and-white resumes we see on a daily basis is staggering.

It's all right if you are in medicine, consultancy or other domains which specify a certain format.

But for all other professionals out there, there's no excuse to use a B&W resume design.

By that, we don't mean that you flood your resume with red and purple. We just mean to apply some basic principles of design to integrate design and text.

A well-structured color scheme in your resume can work wonders.

In our resume builder app, there's a provision for Primary Color & Secondary Color. You have an option to choose from thousands of colors to personalize your resume, and even send uniquely formatted resumes to specific recruiters.

Adding/Deleting/Reordering Section in our Resume Builder

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Nothing is more than a few clicks away in our online resume builder app.

You will find a neat little 'Add Section' button on the right side of our online resume builder. Once you click on it, you have an option to add as many sections as you want.

Additionally, if you simply hover near the section headings, you have an option to either create a duplicate field within the same section or reorder the same section across the entire resume.

Google Resume Builder & LinkedIn Resume Builder - Why They Fall Short

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In case you didn't know, you also have the option of preparing your resume on Google Docs and LinkedIn.

Pretty neat right?

Well, we'll put that in the 'maybe' column.

Technically, Google Docs provides 5 resume templates which you can customize. But if you will look at it, they all look essentially the same.

This can work if resume building is a mere formality. But if your chances of getting shortlisted depend on the humble resume, we strongly advise you to not use Google Docs for your resume building.

The same goes for LinkedIn. When it comes to choices, LinkedIn fares even worse. It has a standard template in which it automatically generates your resume.

Any recruiter can smell a LinkedIn resume from a mile away. In all fairness, LinkedIn is not a resume builder - the option to generate a resume is just an added feature. That does not mean that you entirely rely on it for all your resume building requirements.

Key Takeaways

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  • When it comes to an online resume builder, recruiter-friendliness and ATS optimization are the primary two factors to keep in mind
  • The best resume builder online should automate the design/formatting aspects of your resume so that you can focus strictly on the content
  • Go for an infographic resume only if you are sure that it's ATS-friendly. Hiration's online resume builder app gives you an option to prepare an ATS-friendly infographic resume
  • Through a single-click, you can create multiple copies of your resume on Hiration's online resume builder. This allows you to easily tweak and customize your resume as per the profile or job listing of your choice.
  • PDF and Word is out. A digital resume is where it's at. Hiration's resume builder app allows you to share your digital resume to recruiters. Hassle-free and impressive at the same time.

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at support@hiration.com and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

Build your resume in 10 minutes
Use the power of AI & HR approved resume examples and templates to build professional, interview ready resumes
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