Top Software Engineer Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Software Engineer interview by going through these most asked Software Engineer interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

Interview Practice

Search Software Engineer Questions:

  • Question: What is the difference between Code-First and Database-First method?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how well a candidate understands the difference between Code-First and Database-First method.

    Sample Answer: Code-First is a development approach in which you write your code first and then create your database. Database-First is a development approach in which you create your database first and then write your code.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Understanding of Code-First and Database-First
    • - Knowledge of database

  • Question: What is a linked list?
  • Question Overview: This is a basic computer science question that tests a candidate's knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

    Sample Answer: A linked list is a data structure that contains a series of nodes. Each node contains a value and a pointer to the next node in the list. The last node in the list contains a pointer to null, which is used to indicate the end of the list.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Data structure knowledge
    • - Algorithms knowledge
    • - Computer science knowled

  • Question: What is your experience with Java?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to test the candidate's knowledge of Java and their ability to articulate their experience with the language.

    Sample Answer: I've been working with Java for the last five years. I've worked on a number of different projects using Java, from web applications to desktop applications. I've also worked on a few Android apps using Java.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Java knowledge
    • - Java experience
    • - Java fit

  • Question: Implement a stack from scratch and include a min() function that performs at O(1) time.
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to test a candidate's knowledge of data structures and their ability to implement them.

    Sample Answer: I would create a class called Stack that would have two private variables: a pointer to the top of the stack and an integer that represents the number of items in the stack. The constructor would take two parameters: the number of items in the stack and the pointer to the top of the stack. The push() method would take a single parameter, which is the item to be added to the stack. The pop() method would take no parameters and return an item from the stack. The min() function would take no parameters and return an integer representing the minimum value in the stack.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Coding ability
    • - Data structure knowledge
    • - Problem-solving abilit

  • Question: How will you find the first pair of numbers that sums to a given target value?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to test the candidate's problem-solving skills and their ability to think outside the box.

    Sample Answer: I would first try to find the highest value that the first number could be. Then I would try to find the lowest value that the second number could be. Then I would try to find a range of values for both numbers that would sum to the target value.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Ability to think outside the box
    • - Creativity

  • Question: What are your hobbies?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how well a candidate can communicate outside of their professional life. It also gives you insight into what they do for fun and how they spend their free time.

    Sample Answer: I like to go running in the mornings, and I'm a big fan of the New York Yankees. I also like to read books on history and politics, and I'm a member of the local library.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Hobbies
    • - Communication skills
    • - Personality

  • Question: How would you reverse a string?
  • Question Overview: This is a basic coding question that tests the candidate's knowledge of the most common string functions.

    Sample Answer: I would use a for loop to iterate through each character in the string and use a switch statement to check if the character is a letter or not. If it is a letter, I would add it to the end of the reversed string, and if it isn't, I would add a space to the end of the reversed string.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Coding knowledge
    • - Coding ability
    • - Problem-solving skills

  • Question: How would you design a LRU cache?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how well a candidate can think through a problem, and how they would implement a solution.

    Sample Answer: A least recently used cache is a cache that stores the least recently used items in memory. This is useful for applications that have a lot of traffic and need to keep the most frequently accessed items in memory. The first step in designing a LRU cache is to determine what data structure you will use to store the items. I would use a hash table with a size of 2^n, where n is the number of items in the cache. The next step is to determine how you will determine if an item is least recently used. I would use a timestamp on each item in the cache, and then use that timestamp to determine if an item was least recently used.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Coding ability
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Problem-solving abilit

  • Question: How would you solve a problem on where to place new AmazonGo stores based on a map of current Amazon locations?
  • Question Overview: This question tests a candidate's ability to think through a problem and come up with a solution.

    Sample Answer: I would start by drawing a map of the current Amazon locations. Then I would look at the map and try to find patterns in where they are located. I would then try to find a pattern in the new proposed locations and see if there is a way to optimize the placement of new stores.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Ability to think through a problem
    • - Creativity

  • Question: How will you find the longest palindrome in an array?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic programming question that tests a candidate's problem-solving skills and knowledge of basic data structures.

    Sample Answer: The first thing I would do is to create a helper function that takes in an array and returns the length of the array. Then I would create a function that takes in an array and returns true if the array is a palindrome, and false if it isn't. Then I would create a function that takes in an array and returns the longest palindrome in the array. Answer: The first thing I would do is to create a helper function that takes in an array and returns the length of the array. Then I would create a function that takes in an array and returns true if the array is a palindrome, and false if it isn't. Then I would create a function that takes in an array and returns the longest palindrome in the array.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Knowledge of data structures
    • - Applicants coding ability

  • Question: How will you check if a binary tree is a binary search tree?
  • Question Overview: A binary tree is a binary search tree if every node in the tree has a value that is greater than or equal to the values of its left child and less than or equal to the values of its right child.

    Sample Answer: I would start by writing a test to check if a node is greater than or equal to the values of its left child and less than or equal to the values of its right child. If the test fails, I would examine the data and see if it's possible for it to be a binary search tree. If it's not, I would go back and fix my test until it works. If it does work, I would then write another test to check if a node is greater than or equal to the values of its left child and less than or equal to the values of its right child. If that test fails, I would examine the data and see if it's possible for it to be a binary search tree. If it's not, I would go back and fix my test until it works. Answer: This answer shows that the candidate knows how to write tests for their code and how to debug their code when something goes wrong.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Coding knowledge
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Attention to detail

  • Question: How will you find out whether there is a route between two nodes in a directed graph?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to test a candidate's knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

    Sample Answer: A common algorithm for finding a route between two nodes in a directed graph is the Dijkstra algorithm. It works by finding the lowest cost path between two nodes and updating the cost of each node as you go. It will return null if there is no route between the two nodes.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Data structure knowledge
    • - Algorithms knowledge
    • - Problem-solving skills

  • Question: What are your past internships?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see what kind of experience the candidate has had in the past and what they've learned from those experiences.

    Sample Answer: I've had two internships. The first was at a small startup where I was the only intern. I was given a lot of responsibility and learned a lot about how to manage my time and how to work with a small team. The second internship was at a larger company where I worked on a team of five other interns. I learned how to work with a larger team and how to manage my time when working on multiple projects.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Past work experience
    • - Knowledge of past work
    • - Experience with past company

  • Question: How long have you been working as a software engineer?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how long the candidate has been working as a software engineer.

    Sample Answer: I've been working as a software engineer for five years.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience
    • - Their experience in the field
    • - How long they've been in the industry

  • Question: How will you differentiate between process and thread?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how well a candidate understands the difference between the two.

    Sample Answer: A process is a collection of threads that share the same memory space. Each process has its own address space and can have its own set of open files. A thread is a single flow of control within a process. Threads share the same address space and open files as the process they belong to.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Understanding of programming
    • - Understanding of threading
    • - Ability to think in abstract

  • Question: What is the benefit of your project for the industry?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see how well a candidate understands the project they're working on and how they can explain it to someone who doesn't know much about it.

    Sample Answer: The benefit of my project is that it will allow for more efficient and secure communication between the company and its customers. It will also allow for more efficient and secure communication between the company and its suppliers, which will help reduce costs and improve the quality of the products the company sells.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Communication skills
    • - Understanding of project
    • - Understanding of industry

  • Question: What is the difference between a Session EJB and an Entity EJB?
  • Question Overview: This question tests a candidate's knowledge of Java Enterprise Edition (EE) and how well they can explain the difference between the two.

    Sample Answer: A session EJB is a stateless EJB that is used to handle requests from a user and then pass those requests to an entity EJB. Session EJBs are used to handle transactions and security. An entity EJB is used to handle the business logic of the application.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Java EE knowledge
    • - Java EE knowledge
    • - Java EE knowledge

  • Question: How will you find the minimum distance between two friends in a social media network?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic computer science problem. It's a good way to test how well the candidate can think on their feet and solve problems.

    Sample Answer: I would start by writing a program that would take in the social media network and output the distance between each friend. Then I would run the program through a series of tests to make sure it was working correctly. Once I was confident that it was working correctly, I would start adding in different edge cases to see how my program handled them. If it was still working correctly, I would then move on to adding in code to check if the distance was greater than the maximum distance allowed. If it was, I would then output an error message and stop the program. If it wasn't, I would then check if the distance was less than zero. If it was, I would output an error message and stop the program. If it wasn't, I would then output the distance and run the program again with another set of test cases.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to think on their feet
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Ability to work in a team

  • Question: How will you reverse a linked list?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to test an applicant's problem-solving skills. It's a fairly simple question, but it's a good way to see how they think.

    Sample Answer: I would start by writing a recursive function that would take the head of the list as a parameter and then call itself with the tail of the list until it reached an empty node.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Problem-solving skills
    • - Ability to think outside the box
    • - Ability to work under pressur