Top It Project Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your It Project Manager interview by going through these most asked It Project Manager interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

Interview Practice

Search It Project Manager Questions:

  • Question: When are you available for an interview?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager is available for an interview at your convenience. He or she has the skills to manage time effectively and is flexible with scheduling.

    Sample Answer: I am available for an interview at your convenience. I have the skills to manage my time effectively and am flexible with scheduling.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Flexible availability
    • - Experience with time management

  • Question: Tell me about a time you failed at something.
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that has the experience to overcome failure and learn from mistakes. He or she has the skills to identify the cause of failure, and then create a plan to prevent similar mistakes in the future. Your candidate should have the experience of failing at a project and identifying the cause of failure. He or she should have the skills to create a plan to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

    Sample Answer: I failed at a project when I was unable to meet a client's deadline. I was unable to complete the project on time because I underestimated the time it would take to complete certain tasks. I learned from my mistake and created a plan to prevent similar failures in the future.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience overcoming failure
    • - Experience identifying the cause of failure
    • - Experience creating plans to prevent future failures

  • Question: How did you handle a technical issue that caused delay in your project?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that understands how to address technical issues that cause delays in a project. He or she has the skills to evaluate the issue and determine if it is a major problem or a minor issue. The project manager has experience with all types of IT systems and knows how to address the technical issues and determine if they are a threat to the project.

    Sample Answer: I evaluated the technical issue and determined if it was a threat to the project. If it was a threat, I worked with my team to resolve the issue and determine if it was a major problem or a minor issue.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with technical issues that cause delays
    • - Experience with all types of IT systems
    • - Experience determining if technical issues are threats to the project

  • Question: How do you interact with your project team?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that is a good communicator has the ability to motivate team members and keep them focused on the project's goals. He or she has the skills to manage the team and create a positive work environment. The project manager is able to resolve conflicts and keep the team focused on the project's objectives.

    Sample Answer: I communicate with my team members regularly and set up meetings to discuss progress and any issues that may arise. I also have regular meetings with my team members to discuss their progress and resolve any issues that may arise.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing project teams
    • - Superior communication skills
    • - Ability to resolve conflicts

  • Question: What experience do you have working with remote teams?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that has experience working with remote teams knows that the team members need to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently. He or she has experience with remote teams and knows how to manage them. The project manager has the skills to create a productive environment for the team members and knows how to manage the team's workflow.

    Sample Answer: I have experience working with remote teams and know how to manage them. I have experience managing remote teams and know how to create a productive environment for them.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience working with remote teams
    • - Experience managing remote teams
    • - Experience creating a productive environment for remote teams

  • Question: How would you handle a team member who turns in work late?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager who is a strong leader has the skills to handle team members who don't meet deadlines. He or she has experience with team members who don't complete their work on time and knows how to handle the situation. The project manager has the skills to identify the root cause of the problem and correct it.

    Sample Answer: I would set up a meeting with the team member and discuss the issue. I would evaluate the root cause of the problem and determine if it's a problem with the employee or a problem with the project plan.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with team members who don't complete work on time
    • - Experience with team members who don't meet deadlines
    • - Experience with team members who don't follow instructions

  • Question: Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager has a plan for their career and knows the direction they want to go. The candidate should have a plan for their future and a vision for their career. An IT project manager that understands the importance of planning for the future should have a plan for their career and know where they want to be in five years.

    Sample Answer: I want to be an IT project manager for a large organization in five years. I want to advance my career and work on large projects that are beneficial to the company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with long-term planning
    • - Career goals that include advancement
    • - Experience with strategic planning

  • Question: What do you think will be the greatest challenge in this position and how will you overcome it?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that understands the importance of the position and the challenges that come with it. He or she has experience with the challenges and has the skills to overcome them. The candidate knows that the greatest challenge is maintaining the schedule and meeting deadlines. He or she has experience with meeting deadlines and has the skills to manage the project team to complete tasks on time.

    Sample Answer: The greatest challenge in this position is managing the project team and meeting deadlines. I have experience managing project teams and have the skills to manage them to meet deadlines.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing project teams
    • - Experience with meeting deadlines
    • - Experience managing project budgets

  • Question: What are your expectations from a Job?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager has a clear understanding of what is expected from the job and what he or she can accomplish. The candidate has experience with the job's requirements and knows how to meet the expectations. He or she has the skills to complete the job and understands how to manage the project's budget.

    Sample Answer: I expect to be challenged with new projects and have the opportunity to learn new skills. I want to work with a team that is dedicated to completing projects on time and within budget.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with IT projects
    • - Superior communication skills
    • - Experience managing budgets

  • Question: What are some assumptions you should make while working on a project?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager knows that assumptions are made when creating a project plan. The project manager has experience with assumptions and knows that assumptions must be evaluated for their validity. He or she has the skills to identify assumptions and evaluate them for their probability of success.

    Sample Answer: Assumptions are made when creating a project plan and must be evaluated for their validity. I have experience identifying assumptions and evaluating them for their probability of success.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with project planning
    • - Experience with risk management
    • - Experience with assumptions

  • Question: How will you familiarize yourself with this industry?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that understands the importance of industry research and how it affects the project outcome. The candidate has experience researching the industry and has the skills to evaluate the information and determine if it is relevant to the project. He or she has experience with industry research and has the skills to evaluate the information and determine if it is relevant to the project.

    Sample Answer: I will research the industry thoroughly and evaluate the information to determine if it is relevant to the project.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience researching an industry
    • - Experience evaluating industry research
    • - Experience with industry trends

  • Question: How would you describe your experience in working with Agile and Waterfall project management frameworks?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that has experience with both Agile and Waterfall frameworks has the skills to manage projects in both environments. He or she has experience with the Agile framework and has the skills to manage projects in an environment that is fast-paced and requires quick decisions. He or she also has experience with the Waterfall framework and has the skills to manage projects in an environment that requires a more detailed plan and a slower pace.

    Sample Answer: I have experience with Agile frameworks and Waterfall frameworks. I have managed projects in both environments and understand how to manage a project in either environment.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing projects with Agile frameworks
    • - Experience managing projects with Waterfall frameworks
    • - Experience managing projects in both environments

  • Question: Tell me more about your work experience.
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager with a proven track record of completing projects on time and within budget is the best candidate for your company. The candidate has experience with all phases of the project and has the skills to complete each phase of the project. He or she has experience with all IT systems and has the skills to create a training program for their developments.

    Sample Answer: I have experience in project management and have completed many projects on time and within budget. I have experience with all phases of the project and have the skills to complete each phase of the project.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience in project management
    • - Experience creating training programs for workers after new IT systems are installed
    • - Experience training workers and testing their skills with new systems

  • Question: What is SDLC?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that understands the importance of the SDLC, or software development life cycle, knows that it is a systematic approach to developing software. The SDLC is a process that includes all phases of the development and testing of software. The project manager has experience with the SDLC and has the skills to create a better solution for your company when scaling.

    Sample Answer: The SDLC is a systematic approach to developing software. It includes all phases of the development and testing of software.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with the SDLC
    • - Knowledge of software development life cycle
    • - Experience with software development life cycle management

  • Question: How do you manage your monthly budgets?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager manages budgets by creating a detailed plan for each month. The plan includes the total amount of money needed for the month and the amount of money that will be spent on each project. The plan is created in advance and reviewed with the company's financial department. The IT project manager has experience with budgeting and creating a detailed plan for each month.

    Sample Answer: I created a detailed monthly budget for each project and presented it to the company's financial department.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing budgets for IT projects
    • - Experience creating monthly plans for IT projects
    • - Experience creating budgets for IT projects

  • Question: How do you think you will adjust to a change in work scope?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that has experience with change management knows that a change in work scope will affect the project's outcome. He or she has the skills to adjust the project plan, milestones, and deliverables to accommodate the changes. The candidate understands how to implement changes and adjust the project plan, milestones, and deliverables to accommodate the changes.

    Sample Answer: I have experience with change management and know that a change in work scope will affect the project's outcome. I have the skills to adjust the project plan, milestones, and deliverables to accommodate the changes. I understand how to implement changes and adjust the project plan, milestones, and deliverables to accommodate the changes.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with change management
    • - Remains professional in high-stress environments
    • - Manages budgetary constraints and updates clients about costs

  • Question: What previous experiences do you have that would benefit us?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager has experience with all types of IT projects. He or she has experience with the planning, implementation, and management of IT projects. The candidate has experience with large-scale projects and the skills to manage the project's scope and deliverables.

    Sample Answer: I have experience with all phases of IT project management and have managed large-scale projects. I have experience with planning, implementation, and management of IT projects.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing large-scale IT projects
    • - Experience with all phases of IT project management
    • - Experience managing teams and resources

  • Question: What do you know about our culture?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager that understands the company's culture and the needs of the company. He or she has experience working with companies in your industry and has the skills to integrate into your company's culture. The candidate knows how to communicate with your team and understands the challenges of working with your company.

    Sample Answer: I have experience working with companies in your industry and have the skills to integrate into your company's culture. I know how to communicate with your team and understand the challenges of working with your company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience working with companies in your industry
    • - Experience working with companies in your region
    • - Experience working with companies in your sector

  • Question: What are your day-to-day tasks?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager is responsible for the entire project and the team. He or she is responsible for the success of the project and has to work with the team to ensure that each member is working on their tasks. The IT project manager has to manage the team's time and resources, and make sure that the team members are working on their tasks.

    Sample Answer: My day-to-day tasks include managing the entire project, managing the team, and making sure that each member is working on their tasks.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Manages the entire project
    • - Manages the team
    • - Responsible for the success of the project

  • Question: How do you handle difficult people?
  • Question Overview: An IT project manager has the skills to manage difficult people and remain professional. He or she knows how to manage the project and keep the team focused on the goals of the project. The project manager has experience working with difficult people and has the skills to resolve conflicts and keep the project on track.

    Sample Answer: I set up meetings with clients to discuss changes and evaluated the impact of the changes in terms of budgetary constraints and the project's outcome.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing difficult people
    • - Superior communication skills
    • - Ability to remain professional in high-stress environments