Top Dishwasher Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Dishwasher interview by going through these most asked Dishwasher interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

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  • Question: Do you have a car?
  • Question Overview: You want to know if the candidate has a car because you want to know if they can get to work on time. If they do not have a car, you need to know how they will get to work. If they do have a car, you need to know if they will be able to drive it safely and responsibly.

    Sample Answer: I have a car and I'm very responsible when it comes to driving.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to get to work on time
    • - Ability to drive safely and responsibly

  • Question: What experience do you have in the field you are applying for?
  • Question Overview: This question is an opportunity for the candidate to tell you about their relevant experience and how it relates to the job. You can also ask them to describe their previous jobs and how they contributed to the team.

    Sample Answer: I've worked as a dishwasher in several different restaurants over the past five years. I've learned how to work quickly and efficiently, and I'm always willing to help out wherever I can.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Previous experience in a similar position
    • - Knowledge of the job duties
    • - Ability to work with a team

  • Question: What is your typical day like?
  • Question Overview: This question gives you a sense of what the candidate's typical day is like. You can ask them to describe their typical day at their current job or at a previous job. This question is a good way to see how they manage their time and how they handle the stress of a busy workday.

    Sample Answer: I usually get to work around 8:30 in the morning and start by cleaning the prep area. I then move on to washing dishes until lunchtime, when I take my break. After lunch, I clean the kitchen and prep areas again before starting to wash dishes again until dinner service.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A typical day that is well-organized
    • - A typical day that is busy and stressful
    • - A typical day that is slow and relaxed

  • Question: When can you join us?
  • Question Overview: This question is a simple way to find out when the candidate can start working for you. You can also ask about their availability if you need them to work a specific schedule.

    Sample Answer: I'm available to start on Monday, and I can work any shifts you need me to.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Availability
    • - The ability to start immediately
    • - The ability to work on weekends

  • Question: What are your working hours?
  • Question Overview: You want to make sure that your dishwasher will be able to work the hours you need them to. You can ask about their availability during certain times of the day or night, and you can ask about their flexibility with scheduling.

    Sample Answer: I'm available for any shift between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m., and I'm happy to work weekends.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Availability during your busiest times
    • - Flexibility with scheduling

  • Question: Tell me about your background.
  • Question Overview: You want to know about their experience with dishwashing. You also want to know about their experience with other aspects of the job, such as food preparation. You can ask them to tell you about their education and training, and you can ask them to tell you about their previous jobs.

    Sample Answer: I've been washing dishes for a few years now. I've worked in several different restaurants and I've learned a lot about how to keep a kitchen clean. I've also learned how to work well with my coworkers and how to handle stressful situations.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Education and training
    • - Experience with dishwashing
    • - Experience with other aspects of the job

  • Question: How long have you been working in this field?
  • Question Overview: You want to see how long the candidate has been working in the field. This will give you a better idea of their experience and whether they have the necessary skills to do the job. You can also ask them what they have learned from previous jobs and what they hope to learn from this one.

    Sample Answer: I've been working in restaurants for about three years. I'm looking for a job where I can learn more about how to work with a team and manage my time.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Length of time in the field
    • - What they have learned from previous jobs
    • - What they hope to learn from this job

  • Question: What do you know about our company?
  • Question Overview: This question is a good way to see how much the candidate knows about your company and its history. You can also ask them to tell you about their experience with similar companies. This will give you an idea of whether they have the skills needed to do well in your kitchen.

    Sample Answer: I know that you have been in business for over 20 years and that you have a reputation for serving great food. I've worked at a few restaurants like yours and I know that it's important to be able to communicate well with customers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of your company's history
    • - Experience with similar companies
    • - Ability to communicate effectively with customers

  • Question: What is your availability like?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire someone who is available to work the hours you need them to. This question gives you a chance to see how flexible they are with their schedule. You can ask them about their availability on specific days and times, and you can also see how they respond to the question.

    Sample Answer: I'm available to work any hours that you need me.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Flexibility with work hours
    • - Ability to work weekends
    • - The ability to work holidays

  • Question: How will you relate your skills learned in the real world with work here?
  • Question Overview: This question is a great way to see how well the candidate will fit in with your team. You want to see how they will work with others and how they will handle the responsibilities you give them. You can also ask them to describe a time when they had to work with a team to accomplish a goal.

    Sample Answer: I'm always happy to take on new responsibilities and learn from my coworkers. I've learned a lot from my previous jobs and I'm excited to apply those skills here.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to work with others
    • - Willingness to take on new tasks
    • - Ability to learn from others

  • Question: What makes the dishwasher position important in a restaurant?
  • Question Overview: Asking this question gives you a better idea of how the candidate views the importance of the dishwasher position. You can also ask them why they think it is important to have a dishwasher in the kitchen. You want to hire someone who understands how important it is to have a dishwasher in the kitchen and who will be able to do their job well.

    Sample Answer: A clean kitchen is important for food safety and customer satisfaction.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - The importance of clean dishes
    • - The importance of sanitized dishes
    • - The importance of maintaining dishware

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation at work.
  • Question Overview: Dishwashers are often in the middle of the action in the kitchen, so they will have to deal with a lot of different situations. You want to see how they handle stressful situations and how they respond to problems. You can ask them to tell you about a specific situation or you can ask them to tell you about a time when they had to deal with a problem.

    Sample Answer: I was working at a restaurant where I was responsible for cleaning the dishes and the pots and pans. I had just finished washing all of the pots when I realized that I had forgotten to clean one of the pots. I was running out of time before my shift ended so I decided to clean it quickly. When I finished, I realized that I had not rinsed it properly and that there was still some food stuck on it. The chef saw me and told me that I had not cleaned it properly. He told me that he would do it himself. He took the pot from me and cleaned it properly before he put it away.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to remain calm in stressful situations
    • - Ability to resolve conflicts calmly and politely
    • - Ability to handle criticism

  • Question: Why do you think we should hire you?
  • Question Overview: This is a question that gives you a chance to see how the candidate thinks and what they value. You can ask them to tell you about their experience and why they think it will be valuable to your business. You can also ask them to tell you about their strengths and weaknesses and how they plan to improve.

    Sample Answer: I have a lot of experience with dishwashing in professional kitchens, and I'm confident that I can do a great job for you. I know how important it is to maintain the cleanliness of your dishes and kitchen, so I'm willing to work hard to make sure everything is spotless.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence
    • - Passion for the job
    • - Knowledge of the business

  • Question: What is a company that has exceptional customer service?
  • Question Overview: This question is designed to see if the candidate has any experience with customer service. You can ask them to name a company that they have worked for in the past, or you can ask them to name a company that they have had a positive experience with. This question is designed to see if they have any experience with customer service.

    Sample Answer: I've worked at a few restaurants that have excellent customer service. I think that the best customer service comes from restaurants that are willing to go out of their way to make sure that their customers are happy.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of exceptional customer service
    • - Experience with customer service

  • Question: How long do you plan to work with us?
  • Question Overview: The best dishwashers are those who are dedicated to their work and who want to build a long-term career in the kitchen. You want someone who is going to stick around for a while, so you can ask this question to see if they have the right attitude.

    Sample Answer: I'm looking for a long-term job where I can learn new skills and advance my career.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Long-term commitment to the job
    • - Desire to work in the industry for years
    • - Desire to learn new skills

  • Question: Do you have your CV?
  • Question Overview: This question is a good way to see if the candidate has a resume ready to go. If they do, you can ask to see it. This will give you a chance to look over their work history and see if they have any relevant experience.

    Sample Answer: Yes, I have my CV with me.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - The ability to prepare a resume
    • - The ability to list relevant experience

  • Question: Are you interested in other positions?
  • Question Overview: You want to know if the candidate is interested in working in other areas of the kitchen. Dishwashers are usually the first people to arrive at work and the last to leave, so they are often the ones who can help with other tasks. You want someone who is willing to help out when you need it.

    Sample Answer: I'm always interested in learning more about the kitchen and how it works. I'm happy to help out wherever I can.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Willingness to help out with other kitchen tasks
    • - Interest in learning new skills

  • Question: What was the most irate customer you have ever dealt with?
  • Question Overview: Dishwashers are often the first point of contact for customers, so you want to make sure that they are able to deal with difficult customers. You want to see how they respond to a situation where a customer is angry and upset. You can ask them to describe a situation where they had to deal with an irate customer and how they handled it.

    Sample Answer: I've had customers come in and complain about the food or service, but I always try to apologize and make it right.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to remain calm in a difficult situation
    • - The ability to resolve conflict
    • - A willingness to apologize

  • Question: How do you see yourself working with us?
  • Question Overview: This question is a good way to see if the candidate has a good attitude towards working with you and your team. You want someone who will be able to work well with others and who will be able to get along with everyone in the kitchen. You can ask them about their previous experience working with others to learn more about how they interact with coworkers.

    Sample Answer: I'm a very friendly person and I love meeting new people. I think I'll fit in well with your team.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to work well with others
    • - Positive attitude
    • - Willingness to help out